Gandhinagar: A Gujarat court Monday adjourned till June 21 the hearing on the CBI’s plea against sending the 2005 Sohrabuddin Sheikh staged shootout case for trial within the state.
The Central Bureau of Investigation plea came before Special Judge A.Y. Dave, who put off the hearing for about a week.
Opposing the move to send the case for trial to an Ahmedabad court, CBI counsel Ejaz Khan said that an application for the transfer of trial outside the state was pending before the Supreme Court.
He said that till the ag ency’s application was pending in the apex court, the case should not be sent for trial in any court in the state.
Khan said that two accused in the case – Ajay Patel and Yashpal Chudasama – were still to be arrested.
He also referred to fears of attempts to influence the trial, and said former Gujarat minister Amit Shah, an accused in the case, had been barred by the apex court from entering the state.
Sohrabuddin Sheikh was killed in a staged shootout by Gujarat Police Nov 26, 2005.