SDPI urges Indian Govt. to restrain US & NATO from military intervention in Libya

By Pervez Bari,,

Bhopal: The Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) has called upon the Indian Government not to remain a silent spectator but use its good offices to restrain the United States of America (USA) and NATO from executing their evil designs of military intervention in the name of restoring peace and check Human Rights violations in Libya.

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The SDPI national general secretary Mr. A. Sayeed said that the party is alarmed at the reported move of the USA and NATO to intervene militarily in the internal strife in Libya following violent clashes between rebel and pro-Col. Gaddafi forces leading to killing of hundreds of people.

Mr. Sayeed while condemning vehemently the intentions of US and NATO said the West wants to fish in troubled waters apparently to cool frayed tempers but covertly it is eyeing the resources in the region especially the oil wealth which is in abundance there.

He said that Libyan people struggling valiantly against the repressive regime of Col. Gaddafi are capable enough to overthrow their tormentor. It is a matter of time only that Col. Gaddafi will have to go like Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak though it may be after much blood letting due to embattled leader’s stubborn approach in not reading the writings on the wall.

He said that the reports of two US warships passing through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean has sounded alarming bells causing grave concerns regarding foreign intervention in Libya. The US Defence Secretary Robert Gates plea that the ships were being sent for possible humanitarian efforts is a ploy for the foreign forces to step on the Libyan soil and legitimize their presence there.

Mr. Sayeed said that this would never be allowed by the Libyan people as it would amount to undermining the independence and sovereignty of their country. The Muslim world would also never tolerate it as the USA and NATO have already created unprecedented havoc in Afghanistan and Iraq wherein millions of innocent people have lost their lives, the statement added.
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