New Delhi : Samajwadi Party members forced the adjournment of the Lok Sabha twice during question hour Monday, hours after the party alleged that their leader Mulayam Singh Yadav and his son Akhilesh were put under house arrest in Lucknow ahead of their agitation against Uttar Pradesh’s ruling Bahujan Samaj Party.
Soon after the house paid homage to Congress leader Arjun Singh, who died Friday, Samajwadi Party members rushed towards the chair and raised slogans demanding the dismissal of the Uttar Pradesh government citing poor law and order situation.
Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar’s request to the protesting members to return to their seats went unheeded, forcing her to first adjourn the house for 15 minutes.
When the house reassembled at 11.30 a.m., similar scenes were witnessed and the Samajwadi Party members disrupted the question hour, leading to the house being adjourned once again till 12 noon.