Team AIUDF vows to be a constructive opposition

By TCN staff reporter,

Guwahati: A day-long review meeting of the party was held by the AIUDF on May 24, 2011 at Guwahati to welcome its newly elected MLAs in the 2011 Assam Assembly election. 18 members of the party have been elected this year. Presiding over the meeting, party supremo Badaruddin Ajmal said that ‘this meeting is for knowing all the MLAs personally and for us to familarise with the leaders who have got elected. It is important for the smooth functioning of the party in the session of the Assembly’ that we know each other and the party workers and other leaders know the MLAs elected.’

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AIUDF Chief Badaruddin Ajmal presiding over the meeting

With 18 elected members, the team AIUDF vowed to be responsive towards people’s mandate while proving themselves as a constructive opposition. The MLAs also affirmed that they would work against the stereotyping and will prove themselves as able leaders representing all sections of the community. Moin Uddin Ahmed elected from Jaleswar constituency, who is holding M.Sc in Chemistry and has completed M.Phil and LL.B, is confident of serving people in a better way as a ‘professional politician’. ‘I am the only MLA from the constituency who won in the very first appearance and also I won with the highest number of votes till date from the constituency. This indicates that people have given me a new mandate and a wide responsibility to voice their needs and rights’.

Abdur Rehman Ajmal

Ali Hussain, who won from Saru Khetri constituency, was an academician and also an advocate. ‘I am a son of a daily-wage earner. I served as lecturer in a college for 22 years and then decided to serve the people as their representative. I could make it to the Assembly today as I could prove to be a good human being and a good citizen’, he said in his speech.

Gopinath Daswho, elected from Boko constituency, believes that being a member of the main opposition party in the current Assembly, his role and responsibility has increased manifold. ‘We should form a core group to discuss our issues and accordingly we will represent in the assembly in the days to come’, he said.

Aminul Islam of Dhing constituency vowed to break stereotypes. He said, ‘People think that the AIUDF MLAs can’t speak English and are dated. I was called as ‘matric failed’. I am holding a masters in English and have done B.Ed and M.Phil, and I will prove that I can be a good orator’. He also pointed out that many of his supporters have been targeted in the post election situation but he could provide security to people so far.

Gul Akhtara Begum

Hafiz Moulana Rafiqul Islam of Jonia constituency has won from the seat where once Fakruddin Ali Ahmed won. ‘I will endeavor to solve the problems and discrimination faced by the people and will raise voice on the D-voters issue. People were harassed in my constituency due to wrong interpretation of the High Court judgment on D-voters.’ Rafiqul Islam is holding a masters degree in Arabic and he did his graduation from the Jamia Milia Islamia university and is currently pursuing Ph.D in the Gauhati University.

Gul Akhtara Begum, the sole female MLA of the party is hopeful of upholding people’s aspirations and promised to work for all people of the society irrespective of caste, culture, religion etc. ‘I would like to prove that the AIUDF can be an alternative party that people can choose’. Gul Akhtara Begum was a teacher in Mathematics previously. She won by defeating AGP candidate in Bilasipara East constituency.

Sirajuddin Ajmal who is re-elected from Jaunamukh constituency reiterated that being the main opposition, the responsibilities of the MLAs have increased. ‘We will be a constructive opposition and will make a road map to goals and also chalk out a plan of action to achieve the goals’, he said in the meeting.

Sirajuddin Ajmal

Abdur Rehman Ajmal the youngest MLA of the current assembly is only 27 years old and is pursuing B.A in Economics from the Jamia Milia Islamia university. ‘I was depressed when I lost the by-election in South Salmara constituency but now I am happy to win from the same constituency and I will do my best for the people in the days to come’.

Several other party MLAs elected in Assam Election 2011 spoke on the occasion and sought people’s support for the future work. All the MLAs vowed not to indulge in corruption and promised for good governance in the days to come. It’s only a matter of time to see how far these assurances to the people by the party MLAs are fulfilled and materialized.