Chinese family education specialist admits wife abuse


Beijing : A well-known Chinese teacher and family education specialist has apologised for assaulting his American wife but says it would be difficult for him to be cured.

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Li Yang, however, said even with professional counselling it will be difficult for them to solve their problems, China Daily reported.

The 42-year-old Li, who is founder of an English school featuring “crazy English”, said he and his wife had received professional counselling twice since they reconciled at a police station last Friday.

The counsellor encouraged them to discuss their problems and show love and tolerance towards each other.

“What the doctor said are common norms that I always tell my students, but it’s more difficult to apply them to myself,” said Li.

Li admitted having committed domestic abuse against his wife, Kim Lee, and apologised on his micro blog Saturday.

He apologised a week after Kim posted pictures of her bruised head and knees on the web, causing widespread condemnation of her husband.

He agreed to commit no further violence, apologise on the web, seek counselling and donate 1,000 yuan ($156) to a counselling center for women.

Li said he promised to love his three daughters even if he and Kim divorced. He even encouraged them to speak out like their mother if they encounter domestic violence in their future marriages.

About 100,000 Chinese families break up each year as a result of domestic violence, as per a 2007 survey by All China Women’s Federation.