JUH wants Centre to issue a stamp on Maulana and propagate the services and sacrifices of Muslim leaders made during the Indian Freedom struggle.
By Rafat Nayeem Quadri, TwoCircles.net,
Ahmadabad: Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind (JUH) is organizing 100 seminars to commemorate the centenary of ‘Reshmi Rumal’ movement in various parts of the country to remind the people how Hindus and Muslims together struggled in the freedom movement. JUH decided to pay tributes to Maulana Mahmoodul Hasan who had floated the ‘Reshmi Rumal’ movement for his role in the Indian Movement struggle.
This important awareness programme was kick started from Ahmedabad Gujarat, the land of Mahatma Gandhi, on Saturday. The impressive function which attracted hundreds of Muslims from across the country was organized at Emperor Shahjehan’s Moti Mahal building which is now Sardar Patel Museum.

Gujarat Governor Dr. Kamla Beniwal
Delivering key address the Gujarat Governor Dr. Kamla Beniwal applauded various Muslim leaders’ contribution during the Indian Freedom Struggle Movement. She regarded Shaikhul Hind Maulana Mahmood Hasan’s services to the nation as exemplary and said he had supported Gandhiji whole heartedly in his own way. “He had inspired his students and followers towards Indian freedom struggle movement and fight against British rule” she added.
Inaugurating the seminar JUH’s Secretary General Maulana Mahmood Madani pointed out that it was extremely necessary for the community to create awareness among the young generation about how various communities including Muslims had collectively fought for the nation’s independence.
Maulana Madani said the role of media and the government was not encouraging to bring to light and inform public and youngsters about the positive and very active role of Muslim leaders during Indian independence movement struggle.
However, Maulana reiterated that the community had also miserably failed to play its role in this regard. But, it was a golden opportunity which should be grabbed by Muslims to take this message to one and all in the country and help build an amicable and harmonious Muslim friendly atmosphere in the country and amongst the younger generation who are not aware of the real facts and history in true sense.
Maulana Madani pointed out that the collective effort of Hindus and Muslims for independence was a “national asset”.
Prof Akhtarul Wasey of Jamia Millia Islamia was the Special Guest of the seminar. In his sensible delivery of words he once again informed the gathering of Muslims to take a step further and try to reach out to the mainstream. He reiterated that the best tribute to Maulana would be to form a united front comprising of all communities to face the new global attack on Indian culture and values from global trade and commerce. He reminded Muslims that the call of Maulana Hasan was to unite with Hindus and take along Sikhs and move the country towards progress. But, sadly he pointed out that we Muslims are ourselves are divided over sects and groups. He appealed all the Muslims to forget differences between sects and join hands with the mainstream and work towards the growth of country. This would indeed be the best tribute to Maulana, he added.
On this occasion, Wasey insisted that the government must bring out a postal stamp on Maulana, for his priceless contribution towards freedom movement.
Gujarat Vidyapeeth vice-chancellor Sudarshan Iyengar said it was the spirituality in Maulana and his love of humanity that made him to sacrifice everything for India’s freedom.

A view of the audience
In his message to the audience at large Iyengar insisted that we must all learn to respect and value all the religions. He quoted an Urdu couplet which suggests that he who can’t love the human, how can he love the creator of the human beings.
Iyengar warned people to understand the strength and designs of dividing forces within the society and try to replicate the practices and teachings of our great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and one of his ardent supporters Maulana Shaikhul Hasan and be united to fight the battle of injustice and discrimination. He lamented the fact that today most of us wear similar clothes yet we are inside so much divided. Against this, earlier people wore different attire and followed sort of rigid practices yet they were so humble and loving towards each other.
Several prominent Muslim leaders including Maulana Hakeem Abdul Quddoos Nadavi, Maulana Mohammed Rafique Badodavi, Maulana Hakeemuddin Qasmi and others were present at the occasion.
Prof. Nisar Ansari conducted the programme. Respected Muslim faces including Fazal Shaikh, Haji Asrar Baig Mirza, Ahmed K Shaikh Secretary Legal Cell JUH Ahmedabad office and many others attended the function to carry forward the important messages.
Shaikhul Hind Maulana Mahmood Hasan: Mahmood Al-Hasan was an Islamic Scholar who was one of the Champions of Indian Freedom Struggle.For his efforts and scholarship he received the title Shaykh-ul-Hind which means Shaykh of India. He was born in 1851 and died on November 30, 1920. Al-Hasan was born in the town of Bareilly (in modern Uttar Pradesh). His father Maulana Zulfeqar Ali was an expert and scholar of the Arabic language, and worked in the education department of the British East India Company’s administration in the region. Hasan received a traditional Islamic education with a strong emphasis on the study of Islam, the Persian language and Urdu. His father sent him to the newly established Darul Uloom of Deoband school, where he was reputedly the very first student. The school was established by Eminent Muslim scholars of that time, and Hasan studied under the famous Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotvi, a distinguished religious scholar and founding president of Darul Uloom Deoband. Hasan completed his education in 1873, and began working as a teacher at the school. In 1890, he was appointed the Head Teacher of the school he graduated from, the Darul Uloom Deoband. Shaikhul Hind Maulana Mahmood Hasan, a glorious symbol of India’s freedom movement. He was not only the distinguished founder of Jamia Millia Islamia, who laid the foundation stone of this important educational institution but he himself was a milestone in the field of religious and temporal or modern education. |
Note: The author is the Editor of BILKUL, Gujarat’s First English Fortnightly. She can be contacted at: [email protected]