Chennai : With police denying permission to hold the Tamil Eelam Supporters Organisation’s (TESO) public meeting and the judicial ruling expected Sunday afternoon, DMK president M.Karunanidhi Saturday said the meet would be held in a five-star hotel and the party headquarters here.
In a statement, Karunanidhi said here: “The meet would be held at Accord Metropolitan Hotel Sunday morning and the decision on the resolutions to be passed would be taken.”
He said necessary legal steps have been taken to remove the ban order on the conferenece to be held at Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) grounds in Royapettah in south Chennai.
Karunanidhi said if, however, the ban order continues to stay, the Eelam Tamil Livelihood Rights Protection Conference would be held at DMK headquarters here Sunday evening.
He added that public meetings would be held at various places in the state between Aug 20-30 to explain the resolutions passed at the conference.
Earlier in the day, a single judge in the Madras High Court declined to pass an order on the case filed by TESO challenging the ban order issued by the city police on the grounds that a division bench is hearing the issue.
Meanwhile, the central government which had earlier banned the use of word `Eelam’ at the meet, reversed its stand Saturday in the wake of opposition from various political parties.