New Delhi: The Delhi High Court Monday directed Delji Police and the civic agencies to complete in five days the process of issuing death certificate to the kin of a man killed in a 2005 bomb blast to facilitate payment of compensation to them.
Justice Rajiv Shakdher passed the order after the Sarojini Nagar police station house officer (SHO) informed the court that the matter had been referred to the Special Cell for completing the documentation.
Justice Shakdher was informed by the SHO that the Special Cell would complete the process to issue the certificate in the name of Michael John as his family had claimed that he was in the market on the date of blast in 2005 and was missing for the past seven years.
The court also sought a compliance report from police and the civic agency and listed the matter for Dec 20.
The judge was hearing a plea filed by Manisha Dass claiming that when she was eight-year-old, her parents and brother died in the blast Oct 29, 2005.
She said that the body of her father, Michael John, was not found and the authorities refused to give compensation to her for her father’s death.
Manisha sought direction to the authorities, saying her grandparents had been looking after her and they were facing financial difficulties but when they approached the authorities for the compensation they were denied it on the ground that the body of her father was not found.
The Delhi government had given Rs.7.5 lakh compensation to Manisha for the deaths of her mother and brother.