Nashik (Maharashtra) : The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said Friday it was not averse to allying with the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) to stake claim to the mayor’s post.
The MNS, which has emerged as the single largest party with 44 members in 122-member house, is struggling to garner much-needed support of 22 corporators to wrest administrative control of the Nashik Municipal Corporation.
BJP state president Sudhir Mungantiwar indicated that his party had no objection to allying with MNS if this got it the mayor’s post.
“However, we shall first consult our alliance partners (Shiv Sena and the Republican Party of India) before taking any decision,” Mungantiwar said.
The MNS has become the most watched party after its better-than-expected performance in the recent gram panchayat, zilla parishad and municipal corporation elections across the state.
It has become the largest single party in the Nashik civic body, but has fallen way short of the magic figure of 62 to command a simple majority.
On the other hand, RPI chief Ramdas Athawale, a BJP-Shiv Sena ally, held consultations Thursday with the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) on a possible alliance.