Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Prades: A criminal, allegedly involved in the shooting at a Ghaziabad marriage last November, and his accomplice were arrested in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar district after a brief gunfight, police said Monday.
The criminal was identified as Anil Dujana, who had a reward of Rs.15,000 on his head. Dujana and his gang gunned down four people in a wedding function in Sahibabad in Ghaziabad Nov 18, 2011.
“Anil Dujana had been arrested by Muzaffarnagar police after he along with three of his accomplices gunned down a trader. They have been remanded to 14 days’ judicial custody,” Muzaffarnagar police chief Praveen Kumar said.
Dujana and his accomplices were caught as they fled after gunning down a fertilizer trader Sanjiv Tyagi outside his shop in Chhapar town of Muzaffarnagar.
Police were immediately informed about the murder and that the four had come in a white car. In the meantime, a report came that the car had been spotted near Kalsat village near Deoband, about seven km away from the incident site.
Police rushed to the village and set up a blockade, trapping the criminals, who were asked to surrender. But they instead opened fire, which was returned.
Two were arrested, while the other two managed to escape the police trap.
Three pistols of prohibited .38, 9mm and .30 calibre bores along with 50 live cartridges were recovered from their possession of Dujana and the other criminal, identified as Amit Sharma.
During interrogation, Dujana confessed that he killed the trader at the request of his gang member Robin Tyagi. He further confessed to the Ghaziabad shooting.
Meanwhile, the Ghaziabad Police have initiated steps to take him on remand. Police had to use force to disperse the crowd of Dujana residents gathered outside the Kavinagar police station after a rumour that Dujana had been brought there and would be eliminated in a staged shootout.