New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Tarun Vijay Monday met Defence Minister A.K. Antony to convey his party’s “concern and opposition” over the government sending a military delegation to China after “dropping” an officer from Arunachal Pradesh.
In a statement, Vijay said that Antony conveyed that he shares the concern of BJP on the issue, but the decision to send a smaller delegation was taken after discussing the matter with all stake holders.
Vijay, who is also BJP spokesperson, told Antony that the government had not sent the right message by sending a delegation to China without an officer from Arunachal Pradesh.
He said Beijing can cite it as a precedent and the move will have a negative impact on the youth of Arunachal keen to join defence forces.
The statement said the defence minister conveyed to the BJP that it was felt that a smaller delegation should be sent to continue talks with the neighbouring country while rejecting Chinese claims on Arunachal Pradesh.
Antony said the government was working towards manifold increase in India’s military capabilities in Arunachal Pradesh and a fair share of the defence budget was being spent for the purpose.
The minister assured that the government will not allow any weakness in the country’s defence preparedness in the eastern sector.