Imams should guide masses on current issues in Juma sermons

By TCN News,

Mumbai: Most of Imams and Ulema have not yet acquainted themselves with the issues and problems of the time. Imams of mosques deliver old and repeated Juma sermons which they have been doing for last 20-25 years. They should be given fresh topics with materials for Juma speeches so that they could guide the masses in a better way.

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These were the views of speakers at a meeting of Ulema and Imams of Mumbai and outskirts who had gathered under the banner of Aleemi Movement of India at Moti Masjid in Byculla on 18th March.

L-R: Qari Mushtaque, Maulana Mohammed Shameem Azhari, Maulana Moinul Haque Aleemi

Maulana Shamim Ashraf Azhari from Mauritius suggested that the Aleemi Movement should give topics and materials to Imams for Juma sermons so that masses could be guided in an organized way. He also suggested training of Imams before they are given the charge. He also suggested that the movement should offer some financial support to the Imams. Many other Ulema also spoke on the occasion.

In his speech, Mr Amir Edressy, Political advisor of the movement and noted social activist of Mumbai, said Ulema should understand their responsibilities. It is a tragedy that our Ulema and Imams have not have not yet acquainted themselves with the requirements of the time. Imams of mosques give old and repeated speeches which they have been doing for last 20-25 years. There is no innovation in their speeches and that’s why they leave little impact on the masses, Edressy averred.