Don’t take even half inch of China territory, daily warns Japan


Beijing : China won’t allow any country to “seize even half inch of Chinese territory”, said a state-run Chinese daily, warning the Japanese government that “it will have to swallow the bitter fruit” if it continued to act arbitrarily,

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An article in the People’s Daily Monday said despite strong opposition from China, the Japanese government “nationalizes” the Diaoyu Islands.

“It is not only a futile and dangerous farce but an open challenge to China’s territorial sovereignty and national dignity,” it said.

The daily warned: “We advise the Japanese government not to misjudge the situation. The Chinese people will never allow any country to seize even half inch of Chinese territory.”

It said that the Diaoyu Islands and the affiliated islets have been China’s inherent territory since ancient times.

The disputed islands in the East China Sea, which are also claimed by Taiwan, lie on a vital shipping route and are surrounded by large hydrocarbon deposits beneath them.

Japan says it has controlled the islands since 1895 until its surrender at the end of World War II. The islands were controlled by the US from 1945 to 1972 and subsequently returned to Japan’s control. China claims the islands’ discovery and control since the 14th century.

“The Japanese government’s so-called `islands-buying’ is ridiculous, illegal and invalid, which cannot change the fact that China claims territorial sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands and the affiliated islets,” People’s Daily said.

The daily observed that the essence of the Japanese government’s act is its “intention to nibble Chinese territory in a gradual way”.

“This kind of trick underestimates Chinese people’s wisdom, determination and capability to defend the territory and sovereignty. The Japanese government, which thinks `nationalization’ is a brilliant move, is actually about to fall off the dangerous abyss,” it added.

Stressing that the country’s strength has greatly increased after more than 30 years of reform and opening up, it said: “The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has greatly improved its battle effectiveness in the modernization drive…The Chinese government and armed force’s resolution and will of defending the national territorial sovereignty are strong and unchangeable.”

“If the Japanese government continues to act arbitrarily, it will have to swallow the bitter fruit,” it added.