EU’s Barroso wants political solution for Syria

    By IANS,

    Paris : European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso Wednesday said only a political solution stands a chance of ‘delivering the lasting peace that Syrian people deserve’.

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    “The proposal to put Syria’s chemical weapons beyond use is potentially a positive development,” Xinhua quoted Barroso as saying in his annual ‘State of the Union’ speech during the European Parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg, France.

    “The Syrian regime must demonstrate that it will implement this without any delay,” he said.

    The use of chemical weapons is a horrendous act that deserved a clear condemnation and a strong answer, said Barroso, adding that “the international community, with the UN at its centre, carries a collective responsibility to sanction these acts and put an end to this conflict”.

    The US has been pushing for a military strike on Syria over its government’s alleged use of chemical weapons against the opposition. The Syrian government has denied any use of such weapons, and Russia firmly opposes any foreign military intervention without UN authorisation.

    On Monday, Russia suggested that the Syrian government join the Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and put its chemical weapons under international control.

    The proposal soon received support from the Syrian government, which is trying to avoid a possible US attack.

    US President Barack Obama also called it a “potentially positive development”.