A black day for India: BJP nominates Modi their candidate for Prime Minister

    By Kaleem Kawaja,

    News media from New Delhi has reported that the central parliamentary board of BJP has nominated Naendra Modi as their candidate for India’s Mrime Minister in the parliamentary election next year.

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    Indeed it is a black day for the ancient Indian civilization that a murderer and brutal politician who has been branded by many countries and many organizations in India as one of the biggest violators of human rights and whom many major countries have prohibited from visiting their countries, is being nominated by India’s major political party as a potential top leader of the nation.

    It is a day that has brought shame and disgrace to the nation that Gandhi, Nehru, Azad, Patel and countless freedom fighters established by liberating it from the colonists. That a viscous politician who spouses not only hatred but also brutality for not only religious and ethnic minorities but also those who disagree with him, is a most disgraceful occurrence since India became a free nation in 1947.

    That a man who resembles the fascists and brutal oppressors of the 1930s/1940s who ravaged Europe and Asia, could be nominated by a major political party to be India’s prime minister candidate is a day of disgrace.

    May God save India from the spell of fascists and murderers like Modi and BJP in the years to come.

    (Kaleem Khwaja is Washington DC based community activist, associated with the Association of Indian Muslims of America (AIM) and can be reached at [email protected])


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