Benin launches strategic plan to combat Ebola virus

Niamey, Niger : The government of Benin has requested its technical and financial partners for an amount of 1.75 billion CFA francs (about USD3.5 million) to implement its strategic plan to combat “Ebola” virus, according to diplomatic sources in Cotonou.

During a meeting with the diplomatic missions accredited to the State of Benin, the Foreign Minister Nassirou Baku stressed that this strategic plan, which has several themes, would include preventive measures to combat Ebola and provide direct medical treatment for the patients when needed.

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Benin government is planning to step up its efforts to control Ebola infection in the hospitals and health care institutions by installing epidemiological surveillance equipment to examine people coming into the country, and by forming a medical team at the hospitals to receive any suspected case.

In addition to the preventive measures, Benin government is also planning to acquire certain medical devices within the framework of its plan to control the epidemic, including 100 laser thermometer for early detection of fever cases at the country’s main entry points, hospitals, 7 isolated locations of Ebola virus and 7 ambulances.

Benin has launched an extensive awareness campaign since last March to prevent Ebola virus outbreak – also, the Health Minister used to make press statements through the media channels in French and various local dialects in order to educate and warn the largest number of people against Ebola virus.