By Staff Reporter,
New Delhi: Rashtriya Ulama Council is holding an indefinite protest and hunger strike since February 17, for seven days now at Jantar Mantar, Delhi on the issue of “SC/ST Reservation barred to Muslim and Christian Dalits”.
On February 24, the RUC members attempted to gherao outside Rahul Gandhi’s residence to press their demands. The caravan of protesters moved from Jantar Mantar at 2.00 PM.

RUC is fighting to against ‘injustice’ done to two major communities of the nation since 1950 who have forcibly been barred of their constitutional right to reservation in employment, education and establishment.
A civil petition is pending for nine years in the Supreme Court from 2004 challenging the validity of a 1950 order, which in third paragraph says, “No person who professes a religion different from Hinduism shall be deemed to be a member of the Scheduled Caste.”

The government has sought time from the Apex Court on at least on eight occasions for replying but has not submitted any response to the matter, delaying the issue.