By TCN News,
Hyderabad: Popular front of India has demanded reservation for Muslims in legislatures. It also urged all the main stream political parties to give good representation to Muslims and the other downtrodden in the coming Lok Sabha and Assembly elections.
PFI put forward this idea during its state general assembly held in Kurnool on January 4 and 5, which was attended by the State Executive Council members and various district leaders of the organisation. Mr. KM Shareef , the Chairman of Popular Front of India, Mr. Hameed Mohammed, Mr. Anish Ahmed, national executive members attended the General Assembly as Chief Guests.
KM Shareef called upon the community leaders to work towards achieving empowerment of Muslims and the other downtrodden.
At the end of the function a resolution was passed demanding repeal of draconian laws like UAPA, implementation of Sachar Committee and Rangnathan Mishra recommendations besides promoting communal harmony.