By TCN News,
Ghaziabad: A workshop on Socio-Legal Awareness was organized by Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR) U.P.West Ghaziabad Chapter on 28th June 2014 at MTF Junior High School Muradnagar, Ghaziabad.
“The unjust powerful person and authority exploit the rights of the deprived people and to counter them we have to be organized and be aware about our rights”, said Syed Akhlaq Ahmed, National Coordinator of APCR while delivering his talk on “Human and Civil Rights Protection in India-Current Scenario“. He furthers delivered his enlightening views on “Criminal Justice System in India” and Civil Rights violation as well as “Case & its Persuasion Techniques”

Speaking on “Communal Riots & Role of Civil Rights Activist” Fawaz Shaheen, AMU Law Student opined that fact finding, documentation and intervention should be the first response from activist to communal riots.An activist must pursue administration to take action against rioters and hate mongers and if police do not take any action, public pressure should be used.

He further spoke on “FIR Investigation and Arrest”. “Using RTI Act-2005 to Defend Civil Rights” was delivered by Student Activist Mohammed Zakir Reyaz.Mushfiq Raza Khan, Secretary APCR UP West expressed the word of gratitude to the speakers and the participants for making the workshop successful.