By TCN News,
Mumbai: To mark the month of Ramazan and to empathize with the less fortunate and to aid them with their finances, Jamaate Islami Hind, Mira Road distributed Ration kits to a hundred destitute families containing basic provisions for an entire month on Sunday.
The kits, each worth Rs.1100, comprising of rice, wheat, oil, dates etc., are expected to furnish the families with a decent sehri and iftar so that even they can participate wholeheartedly in offering their prayers and gratitude to Allah. A detailed survey of the needy families was done before-hand so that the most deserving can be helped out. These families were given coupons, in exchange of which they were expected to collect the ration.

Many people came forward to sponsor the kits, with some even sponsoring twenty kits at a go. The Jamaat has been trying to continue with this noble endeavor throughout the year, but is constrained by the paucity of funds, limiting such exercises to the month of Ramzan alone, wherein people are more willing to reach out to their poor brethren.

Moved by the gratitude evident in the moist eyes of the receivers, the Jamaat leaders fervently hoped that people will support them in ensuring that such kits are distributed the entire year and in the process they all become worthy of Allah’s grace and rewards.