Hyderabad riot and Muslim political leadership

By Mahmad Sidat

During the election campaign rally of Akbaruddin Owaisi, brother of Asaduddin Owaisi and leader of MIM, TwoCirles quoted him as saying, “Do you need your MLA who fixes the gutter or the one who becomes the voice of Muslim community in Assembly”. it’s funny when occasion came to raise the voice for the community, both brothers are found hiding with their tail between the legs.

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From the various media report, it became clear that when Muslims and Sikhs clashed police remained muted spectators to Sikh mobs enraged over burning of their religious flags. When BSF deployed they used sophisticated arms to kill and killed three Muslims.

Asaduddin Owaisi demanded judicial enquiry next day as if N number of enquiry in the past have met any logical conclusion. Contrast this with reaction of Arwind Kejriwal during khikri extension raids by Somnath Bharti. He demanded that police officer be suspended for their inaction during the raids. In spite of immense media criticism, he sat on Dharna being the Chief Minister, slept on the road in 4 degree temperature and got the officer suspended.

Three youth had died in indiscriminate firing in Hyderabad. This was the occasion to highlight tremendous bias that Indian police forces exhibit against Muslim all over the country but MIM and Owaisi brothers failed to rise to the occasion.

It’s easy to ask for the votes by scaring the community with Modi who for obvious reason invokes strong reaction from the Muslim community. It’s also easy to give hate speeches and raise temper to garner votes or conduct sloganeering against Taslima Nasreen but when there was a time to stand up for the right cause, both brothers are found to be inept at becoming the catalyst for demanding justice.

This issue also highlights how time and again, during most of the communal riots, Muslims not only suffers at the hand of rioters but also at the hands of biased police officers as evidence of the high casualty among Muslims during Babri Masjid riots in Mumbai or post Godhra riots in Gujarat at the hand of police forces. in-spite of this, it’s surprising that Muslim leaderships are not demanding reservation or proper representation of Muslim in police forces. The job of the police is to provide security to all the people irrespective of their religion. when time and again they fails, its high time Muslim leadership take this up as a high priority demand to the power that be rather than demanding reservation in education/jobs which is never going to be upheld by courts.

Mr Owaisi, are you prepared to sit on Dharna for this? For if Muslims are not safe in Hyderabad, they can’t be safe anywhere in India. It’s high time, Muslim community in Hyderabad make Owaisi brothers work hard for their vote.