By Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee,
A fact finding team of Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee comprising Lateef Mohammed Khan, Kaneez Fathima, A. Srinivas, Shefali Jha, Adv. Gulam Rabbani, Adv. M.Mandakini, and Mohammed Ismail Khan visited the Arsh Mahal area of Kishan Bagh in Hyderabad city. Fact finding team met the people of both the communities and visited houses of victims, met their family members, members of the deceased, the spot of Nishan sahib (religious symbol of Sikh on flag), firing spot, grave yard and Gurudwara. Actually the Arsh Mahal of Kishan Bagh is located on the hill, from where we can see the whole city. This locality is attached to the famous Nehru Zoological Park and a lake named Mir Alam. It has come to our notice that the whole area of Kishan Bagh as well as the Zoo area is in fact Waqf property. Indeed it is a very beautiful place and the people who live in this area belong to Muslim community whose living standard is of below poverty line. It can be named as a slum area. Most of the people work as Auto drivers, fruit vendors and daily wage laborers. Adjacent to this area, there is a locality of Sikh community which is called Sikh Chawni. The Sikh population is around 1500. But the economic status of Sikh community is strong and most of them are businessmen. There are two 2 Gurudwaras and many Nishan Sahib in that small area.
Facts of the case:
As per the facts gathered by the team, this incident of attack on Muslims and police firing took place on the early hours of 14th May 2014. Nishan sahib is placed on the hill of Arsh Mahal in Muslim locality. As per the locals, the place where this Nishan Sahib is located, its base was turned black due to smoke that comes out after burning scrap. Few Muslim families are engaged in scrap business. The Sikh people who had gone to light the Agarbattis near the Nishan sahib, spread rumor that the flag is burnt and they started blaming the neighboring Muslims without any verification. They threatened them of grave consequences and said just wait we are coming with our people. Within no time hundreds of Sikhs arrived with daggers, swords and revolvers. They also brought petrol full of cans. They started attacking Muslim houses, burnt houses, shops, autos, trolleys, bikes, and cycles etc. by pouring petrol. Many houses were completely burnt, including clothes, almirahs, dressing table, fans, important papers such as ration card, aadhar card etc. these houses are now debris turned into ashes. These belong to Mohammed Jahangir, Sheikh Ghouse Pasha and others. While this was done by one mob, another mob entered into other houses of Muslims, they attacked with swords on their doors and when the Muslims came out of their houses they attacked them with swords, not only this they also attacked the animals. One person’s hand was cut, a goat’s throat was slit, another goat’s throat was pierced with dagger and many others were injured with swords and draggers. Sikh mob attacked on Muslim just like Hindus attacked Muslim in Gujarat

All this happened in the presence of the police personnel. When the Muslims saw that the police are giving free hand to these Sikh people, they started throwing stones on the attackers to defend themselves, as they do not possess any kinds of weapons. When the Muslims were pelting stones in their defense, the police and BSF personnel suddenly opened fire directly on the Muslims. In this police firing three persons died and five were injured with bullets. The persons killed in police firing are Mohd. Wajid Ali, Mohd. Shujauddin Khateeb and the third person named Mohd Fareed.
Three persons killed in police firing:
According to Aijaz Azghari and Mohd. Ahmed Ali, mother and elder brother of one deceased Mohd. Wajid Ali, Wajid was aged 23 years and was doing tiles business. Though he was second son in the family, he carried household responsibilities as the eldest son of the house. He has two brothers, one sister and a mother. His father has expired few years back. He had gone out to bring the other boys who were working under him. By that time police had started firing and a bullet struck him from back and he was severely injured and profusely bleeding. There are three bullet marks on the door where this youth was fired. His elder brother is eye witness of this and he along with others took him in an auto and started towards hospital and in between the police stopped them and enquired where they are going, why they are going etc. and in this 15 -20 minutes got wasted and finally when they reached Premiere hospital, the doctors declared him brought dead. The elder brother of this deceased says that the police fired on the people from the distance of 2 to 4 feet directly and they were Mufti police, later BSF police joined and injured some more people. He also said that those who went to help the people who were injured, the police fired on them as well. He said the violent Sikh mob was roaming freely around the Muslim locality with the daggers and swords but the police and the BSF let them roam free and targeted the Muslims only. He also said that police fired 300 rounds and a man who was roaming in plain clothes was continuously firing with revolver; the locals believe that he was the henchman of Raja Singh and RSS pacharak. His mother says she does not believe that her son has died; she is waiting that her son will come one day and takes her to perform Hajj as he had promised. She is in depression and holds police responsible for whatever happened on that fateful day.
Another deceased Mohd. Shujauddin Khateeb was electrician by profession and was also the care taker of the Masjid. He was about 43 years old. He belonged to the family of famous Urdu poet of Deccan Suleman Khateeb. He was taking care of thirteen children, among which one is physically handicapped child, whose father Mohd. Afzal was killed ten years back by the Sikh community; the deceased is the uncle of this ill-fated child. The mother of the deceased said the Sikh people came along with police and it was the conspiracy of the police. She said a goonda(anti social man ) with a revolver was accompanying the police. She further said that their family lives in that locality since 35-40 years, and that time there was no flag of Sikh community, it was placed only 10 years back and she demands that the flag should be removed from there, which is the main cause of attack on Muslim community. She added every now and then they face problems from Sikh group due to the flag. She raised many questions such as: why was the police action one sided? Why the police did not fire on Sikh people who were roaming with swords? Why is the police enemy of Muslim community? Who gave shooting order to the police? Why Sikhs are allowed to carry Swords and draggers? She says very strongly that it is the conspiracy to remove the Muslims from that locality, because of which they are targeted again and again. She is very much afraid because police is roaming around very frequently and she feels threatening to their lives. She said very angrily that no local leader is worth to work in that area and the other Muslim leaders never visit their area. Her elder son said that the councilors are good but there are no educated people in this locality who can talk or work for them, earlier there were only two educated people who used to look after the good and bad of the community.
Mohd. Fareed, aged 25 years third deceased was killed in the police firing who was married just two months back. His father Mohd. Suleman who is the oldest and first generation person who settled in that area is of 80 years. According to him, his son who worked as driver had left home for work, he became the target of police firing and he fell on the spot. While he was being shifted to the hospital in an auto, the Sikh people stopped the auto and attacked him with the swords (Police and BSF became silent spectator at this moment) a police man said “Ab bas karo Jaane do” and finally when they managed to take him to the hospital he was declared brought dead. His father said Sardars and Police are responsible for his son’s death. This old man was very angry and said, ‘they think that we are like animals; that is why we do not get justice from anywhere’. He further said, ‘police would have saved his son’s life but instead handed over to the Sikh people. His son had the responsibility of the whole family’, he questions, whether anyone can return back his son to him. He also reminded that ‘we are the Muslims who provided shelter to these Sikhs in 1984, where the whole country had kicked them’. He said in Urdu, “1984 MEIN, HAMARI JHONPDI MEIN INHE PANAH DI, ISLIYE KE TUM BHI EK INSAAN HAIN, MAGAR DOSTI KA HAQ MERE BETE KI JAAN LEKAR ADAA KIYA”. He added, ‘these people are still dependent on Muslims, their garages are run by Muslims, Muslims take loans on interest from them, but still they attack on us only’. He said with shivering voice that, ‘if they are so angry, instead of my young son they should have killed me’.
Persons Injured by Sikh mob and in police firing:
Fact-finding committee also met the people who were injured by the Sikh mob and in police firing. Four people were seriously injured by the Sikh mob that attacked with swords and daggers and eight people were injured by the police firing. Bullets are still in the body of one or two people which cannot be removed due to fear of loss of life. The stories of these people are similar. The common reason is that the Sikh mob came with swords and daggers, knocked the houses and attacked the people and not only this they also attacked the gates and shutters with swords and still the holes can be seen on those gates and shutters. They even attacked the shutter of water plant with the swords; and it can be proved if the CC camera is examined which is placed near that shutter. The cruelty of this mob can be understood with one single example that even the animals were not spared. A goat was killed with a sword in such a way that its throat was completely separated from its body. This committee saw another goat which was severely injured with a dagger which was pierced into its neck. When we saw this goat we felt that it is questioning as to what was its fault!
We met the victims named Mohd. Khaleel who is Auto driver, Syed Sikander fruit vendor, Mohd Khaja, welder, Syed Ghouseuddin, auto driver, Anwar Khaja, flowerist. Anwar Khan who is a flowerist by profession a bullet struck him near the private part and he is unable to walk and the doctors told him the bullet cannot be removed. These injured persons are suffering with pain and on the other side they have the fear of police that they may be picked up any time; they were either going to their daily work or else they were helping the injured and in these circumstances they became the victims of police bullets and Sikh talwars. These victims said that they are eye witness of Sikh mob terror as well as police terror. To say in their words, ‘SARDAR PEECHE THEY AUR POLICE AAGEY THI’ (Sikh sardar were along the police). According to them police started firing directly on the people that too from the distance of just 2 to 4 feet. They also said that the 90% of the Sikh of this locality are financers (money lenders); their customers are Muslims who take finance on 10% to 20 % interest. The Sikh community of this locality also produces illicit liquor and supply in the Muslim community of that area. They are also involved in the drug supply such as Ganja and one type of tablet which is called as anta. And these are supplied by the women of Sikh group and are popularly known as Sikhni Aunties. In this group many anti social elements work whose names are Kishan, Gurmeet, Vicky, Bahadur, Sharath etc. Local police is very much aware of all these illegal activities by a group of Sikh community and because of the close relation and corruption from a Sikh group, police supported the miscreants, provided protection to them and targeted the Muslims.
As per the locals Nanak Singh and pradhan are the conspirators of this attack on Muslims. They have an eye on the open land and few houses in the Muslim locality. The Muslims who are living adjacent to Nishan Sahib (The Sikh flag) strongly believe that this entire problem was created to build the Gurudwara on this spot by removing the Muslims from that area. The three families which are near this flag have scrap business; they burn the scrap and extract copper etc. from that remains and this activity produces large smoke and due to this smoke the base and the flag might have turned black but the flag was not burnt. Due to this scrap burning activity the base of the flag turns black and this happens frequently and the Sikh group knows this very well and they white wash the Nishan Sahib base every month. But this time their intentions were bad and they spread the rumour that the flag was burnt, whereas the locals say the flag was not burnt even 1%; they said they respect the flag very much and take care that it is not even spoiled. They also said if at all the flag would have got burnt, they would have kept it to show but they did not do that instead they replaced it with a new flag that too with another color from yellow to blue and also white washed the base of the flag. These three families who live near the Nishan Sahib have become the victims from three sides; on one side the Sikh mob attacked their homes and burnt them by pouring petrol where each and everything turned into ashes. On the other side, police arrested their male members and on the third side, the other Muslims boycotted them by saying due to your scrap burning activity we all are facing atrocities from the Sikh group and loss of human life.

The visit to Gurudwara:
After the Muslim locality, the fact finding team visited the Gurudwara situated in Sikh Chawni to know the other side version. While going towards Gurudwara we stopped at one place to enquire the exact place where the Gurudwara is located and asked the address to one person who was a Sikh. He in turn asked us why do we want to visit the Gurudwara, when we told him that we have visited the Muslim locality and now want to meet the Sikh community to know the facts of the recent incident, on hearing this he expressed his happiness and said this is very good work and explained us the way towards Gurudwara. Then we entered into the Sikh locality which is called as Sikh Chawni. Here we met few young locals and asked them who can we meet to talk about the incident which happened few days back. These youth warmly welcomed us and pointed towards Gurudwara and explained us how to enter the Gurudwara and whom we can meet and discuss. Then we went inside the Gurudwara with our heads covered and removing the footwear. We observed that the Gurudwara was full of people sitting and walking here and there. The people asked us as the reason of coming there and when we explained the reason they said that the persons who are the head are not present at that time and some other persons who presented themselves as responsible in the absence of the heads, came to us. Initially their response was not so welcoming, in fact it was suspicious. And in the process of discussion, they became cool and later opened themselves and spoke in friendly manner. More and more people joined us and it became a large gathering. And then they offered us cool water and cold drinks as well.
The person who was speaking to us, when asked about what they think of the incident that happened and how and why it happened, he said that it was not sudden incident; in fact two days earlier to this incident, some animal flesh and legs were found in front of the second gate of Gurudwara in the night time. On seeing this, two to three people cleaned it up without spreading the news and later also gave police complaint. Then after two days, in the early morning the Nishan Sahib (flag) was burnt. This news spread fast and some people became emotional and retaliated. He also said that the stone pelting was heavy from that side, police personnel got injured, even then the police tried to calm down the situation but stone pelting did not stop, so there was retaliation from this side. He further added that the leaders of that community continuously spread hatred against the major community through their speeches which is very bad. On this our team member told them that those leaders did not say anything against the Sikh community, then he said, if they can say so much against one community, a time can come when they can also say anything against us. When the fact finding team reminded that they also belong to the minority and in past they have suffered a lot during 1984, one of them immediately replied that they do not want to live with the tag of minorities and also do not want appeasement with this tag. He added, ‘we have forgotten the 1984 episode as a bad dream and do not want to live in the past’. The youth who were present there believe that hate speeches, political environment etc. is the cause of this incident. And whoever did this, have done for political benefits. They said that, ‘we are living in the fear and much distance has been come between us and the Muslims; this incident has affected our economic conditions because Muslims are our clients and they are hesitating to maintain business relations and also avoiding us’. They said that, ‘whoever has done this, it is a conspiracy to propagate the hatred’. They also expressed grief on the loss of Muslim lives in the police firing and they can understand their anger. One youth among them raised a question that among the three people killed, one was an elderly person, what was he doing there? He asked this question sarcastically. We replied that he was the care taker of the Masjid and he had gone there to pacify the situation and bring back the normalcy. On hearing this, they felt ashamed which was visible on their faces. Then they said that, ‘because of few people the whole community is being blamed; we can calm down one group of people but we cannot calm down everyone and thus our elders were unable to control everyone’. Those youth requested us to do something so that the gap between the two communities is filled up and also requested us to convey their message to Muslim community that we equally share their sorrow and pain. They also remembered the incident of 10 years back where the same incident happened and one Muslim was killed by Sikhs. In that case 31 people were slapped with different cases and just 6 months back they have come out from jail after undergoing punishment. And now this incident has taken place and now also 23 are in jail, 6, among 18 names in the police list have surrendered themselves to police. One senior person joined later and said that reforms in the communities are necessary such as avoiding flag processions with swords, trishuls etc. which is creating fear and hatred among the communities. They expressed concern that 99% of the problems are created by the leaders and due to which the relations are going bad to worse. He also said the Nishan Sahib is located at unprotected place and the problem is from both here and there. Our team asked them whether they want to built Gurudwara at the Nishan Sahib place; they said we cannot answer this as it has to be decided by our elders. We felt that they were hesitating to tell their names so we did not stress them to tell their names. When we took a photo, immediately one youth harshly asked us not to take photos. After talking to them, we got up to come out from Gurudwara, some youth also came with us saying we will drop you till the parking place. They came till the parking place and one youth among them offered some money and said, ‘at present I cannot help much apart from this meager amount, I am feeling very bad for those people who were killed and injured, please add this amount to whatever you people will be offering them’. At that moment we felt that it is a ray of hope in this hate atmosphere which can be improved by the leaders of both sides.
Loss and Damages:
Sikh mob consisted of 20-25 people. They attacked and set on fire houses and properties in the early morning in presence of Police. The value of damage is around Rs 25 lakhs.
Property damage and estimation of loss:
1. Sadikh Ahmed, Welder R/o 19‐4‐340/54/49/5. A.C sheets of roof broken, passion bike and furniture burnt. Approximate assessment of loss is Rs. 1, 00,000/
2. Mohammed Gouse, Welder R/o 54/49/5. Cycle and clothes burned. Loss is of Rs. 25,000/
3. Md. Manzoor Khan, home guard R/o 54/49/2A. Four rooms completely burnt along with furniture,TVS bike AP12 7616 Burnt. Loss is of Rs 3,00,000/
4. Md. Ismail, Driver R/o 54/49/2. Furniture broken, splendor bike No 11K 2587 burnt. Loss is around Rs 2, 00,000/
5. Lala Bhai, Kirana shop owner. Rooms and shop attacked. Damage Worth Rs. 60,000/
6. Md. Hussamuddin, R/o 54/49/6/A. Doors & AC sheet roof sheet of 2 rooms broken damage of Property worth Rs 50,000/
7. Shaik Hameed, Fruit seller. R/o 54/49/7. Furniture, TVS bike No.AP 29Q3426 burnt. Loss approximately Rs. 80,000/
8. Abdul Kareem, Driver. R/o 54/49/9. Door & vehicle broken. Damage worth Rs 50,000/
9. Shaik Rauf, owner of small wooden workshop. R/o 54/49/7/1. Electric motor and electric wooden box shop material burnt and other house material burnt. Loss is approximately 50,000/
10. Mohammed Miya, Auto driver. R/o 54/49/7/2. Auto Rickshaw broken AP 13W1102. Loss of Rs. 45,000/
11. Syed Rasheed, Auto Driver. R/o 54/49/79/5. Door & AC sheets of 2 Rooms broken. Loss of Rs. 35,000/
12. Mohd Jahangir, scrap merchant. R/o 54/49/9. Unicorn, passion 2 bikes and complete House set on fire into ashes. Loss is of Rs. 4,00,000/
13. Md. Khader, auto driver. R/o 54/49/9A. Auto No AP11Y 7303 Vehicle completely set on fire. Damage of Rs 3,00,000/
14. Md. Aijaz, Driver. R/o H.No 54/49/9A. No AP 24 W 1607 Vehicle burnt. Loss approximately of Rs.1,00,000/
15. Shaik Nabi. R/o H.No 54/49/12. AC sheets of 2rooms completely broken, furniture set on fire. Loss approximately of Rs. 70,000/
16. Md. Ismail, Auto trolley Driver. R/o H.No 54/49/7. Auto Riksha set on fire, doors and house hold material broken. Loss of Rs 50,000/
17. Chand Pasha, kirana shop keeper. R/o H.NO 54/49/2/3. Four rooms AC sheet broken. Loss of Approximately Rs. 50,000/
18. Md. Nazeer, fire wood stall holder. R/o 54/49/2/4. Four Rooms AC sheet broken into pieces. Loss Approximately of Rs 50,000/
19. Md. Shameemuddin, Business. R/o H.No54/49/5. Car AP 09 AK 2727 damaged glass of house Broken. Loss of Rs. 70,000/
Injured persons:
1. Syed Sikandar injured by sword
2. Syed Gouse injured by Police firing
3. Anwar Khan injured by Police firing
4. Md. Saddam injured by police firing
5. Md. Khaja injured by sword
6. Md. Khaleel injured by sword
7. Md. Nawaz injured by Bullet fire
8. Mahmood injured by Bullet fire

This committee after visiting the place of Arsh Mahal and Gurudwara situated in Sikh Chawni in Kishan Bagh area came to the conclusions with the following findings:
· The attack on Muslims was a well planned and organized one. It is a malicious act. Police failed to tackle the situation and indeed role of police is itself suspicious .Calling on BSF is a big blunder and over action of police has been proved. Government itself admitted grave negligence of police and immediately announced and paid the compensation to the victims of Police firing and Sikh Mob attack.
· This committee finds that it is a routine matter in India that barrel of guns always target Muslims, every bullet of police has a Muslim name. We also find that in the blast or any other violence in which anybody get killed irrespective of Hindu or Muslim, but the police bullet targets only the heads of the Muslim community. Now the time has come to think it over seriously.
· The news which is spread about the burning of Nishan Sahib (the flag with religious symbol of Sikhs) is completely false. The flag was not burnt, but the base of the flag and cloth had become black because scrap was burnt 4-5 yards far and due to the smoke the base became black.
· The place where the Nishan Sahib is situated is a large open place which is the waqf land. There a group of Sikh community close to Hindutva ideology wants to build a Gurudwara in that place.
· This committee feels that the police firing is targeted and deliberate. Here the purpose of firing was not to control the mob, but the main aim was to kill as many Muslims as possible. Because it is a target killing and bullets were only on the chest but not on the lower part of the body.
· Bullets also struck on the very sensitive parts of the body where the doctors say the bullet cannot be removed as it may become threat to life.
· When the people were being shifted to the hospital, police men were stopping them and wasted their valuable time, and due to this one youth lost his precious life as he was declared brought dead by the doctors. If at all the police had not stopped the injured youth, he would have survived.
· If the real aim of the police was to control the people then they would have given warning, used water cannons, rubber bullets etc.
· Another reason for being this attack as planned is that the Sikh mob had petrol full of cans and with this they burnt the Muslim houses in the early morning.
· The matter of deep concern is that the police have not taken responsibility of firing till now. They are blaming each other by saying that this area does not come under their jurisdiction. Hyderabad police says this area does not come under their jurisdiction and on the other side Cyberabad police says this area is not under their jurisdiction.
· This committee feels that if police had taken action against the Sikh mob that was attacking, there would have been no loss of Muslims lives and property. It is a matter of fact that at the time when the attack took place most of the Muslims were sleeping. It was sudden attack for Muslims which continued for three long hours. Even the BSF could not control the violent Sikh mob. It is a strange matter that in the presence of police and BSF, the violent Sikh mob was roaming freely with swords and daggers.
· There is no clarity in the police statement that as they were less in number they could not control the situation, whereas the reality is that before the BSF arrived the police started firing on the people and then BSF with sophisticated weapons came and joined the police. With this we can understand that the reason given by the police that they do not have enough force to control the Sikh violent mob, but when two policemen got injured, they immediately starting firing on Muslims and here they have enough bullets to kill the Muslims.
· This committee also observed that there is huge difference in the standard of living of Muslims and Sikhs in that area. Sikh community is financially and economically in good position whereas the living standard of Muslim community is very bad. It is a slum area and one can understand what the slums are!
· Sikh community is educated but on the other side they are divided and confused and we feel that there are different groups such as purely Sikh, Hindutva Sikh and liberal Sikh. Among these Hindutva Sikh are completely under the influence of RSS and its sister organizations and also has the support of Raja Singh a local hindutva hardcore and notorious for anti Muslim activities and recently got elected for Assembly by riding his hate speeches against Muslims and MIM party.
· During Telangana agitation billons of property was damaged by the angry mob and hundreds of police persons injured in stone pelting, but police didn’t open fire, the big question rises in the mind of Muslims is, whether Indian police do not consider that Muslims are also human beings.
· Saffronization of Sikh community is one of the major causes of this incident. And one group of Sikh believe that they are not Minority is also an ideology of RSS
· We find that Muslims wants justice not just compensation; they feel that nobody can compensate a human life.
Recommendations and Demands:
The fact-finding team of Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee recommends and demands the following:
1. Remove all the religious flags of all the communities. Permission should not be given to Religious processions (Recently started) and to place the flags in the public places.
2. The government and political leaders should address the problem of both the communities of Kishanbagh and also work for the betterment of the people of Arsh Mahal by developing that area by providing safe drinking water and proper drainage system, roads and by establishing government schools.
3. The religious organizations and leaders should not limit themselves to the Gurudwaras and Masjids; they should come out and work as reformers on the ground level. Sikh religious leader should bring awareness in their community on the wrong use of swords. There are many social evils in the slum areas including Arsh Mahal. The religious organizations and leaders should work in those areas to make people aware about the dangers of social evils.
4. The religious leaders of both the communities should work for the existence of peace and harmony among the communities and should not spread “hatred in the name of God”.
5. Both the religious leaders and political leaders of both the communities should come forward for the talks and end the hatred against each other and solve the problem permanently.
6. We demand the government to take action against the police officer who called the BSF and deployed it in this area. The police officer who gave the orders of firing should be sacked immediately and a case under section 302 should be registered against him because he ignored the guidelines for opening fire on unarmed civilians. All the policemen who fired on Muslims should be also be dismissed immediately and punished under section 302.
7. The meager amount of 6 lakh rupees compensation is not enough it should be increase up to 10 lakh each. The government should provide government jobs to each family member of the deceased. And also provide the free education to their children.
8. The houses of the Muslims burnt by the miscreants should be re-built by the government as well as rehabilitate them.
9. All the cases should be withdrawn registered against the Muslims who were protecting themselves during the mob attack.
10. Investigation of this incident should be done by the sitting judge of High court and the report should be presented before the people and further action should be taken as recommended by the Judge.

This committee feels that the situation in Kishanbagh area of Hyderabad is calm but tense and danger. After the death of three persons in police firing, the emotions of Muslims are high, they are in grief and angry. Muslims strongly feel that the attack on them is only because of nexus of Sikh and police. It was a planned attack on Muslims because, some miscreants had thrown flesh and legs of some animal in front of the Gurudwara gate, but this did not lead to tension because the concerned Sikh youth had removed it quietly to avoid tension. After two days again some miscreants spread the rumour that the Nishan Sahib is burnt and without verifying the facts, one group of youth among the Sikh community attacked the Muslims and burnt their houses. While Sikh strongly believes that due to burning of flag their religious sentiments are hurt, it is a conspiracy and because of it the distance among the two communities is widened and hate atmosphere prevailed. A group of Sikh community is concerned about grief and anguish of Muslim community. Many Sikhs have taken the shelter in Gurudwara because of fear of retaliation from Muslims. In Muslim localities police informers are working and police wants to arrest Muslims; because of this fear, ladies are not allowing youth to go outside their houses for work. Morale of Muslim women is high; the ladies themselves became the watchdog of locality. While speaking to Sikh people their concern clearly reflects on their faces they are in fear because their money-making is dependent on Muslims. Initially Sikh was in misunderstanding but after knowing the reality they are in embarrassment. The majority of Sikh people want peace they don’t want uproar. This committee feels it is a good sign of hope in this dark era of hate. This committee strongly feels that instead of creating more complications, both the community leader should come forward to solve the problem. This is the time to think for both the community leaders to maintain peace and harmony so that Muslim and Sikh can live together without any fear and danger with a spirit of brotherhood.