By Jaspal Singh,
Much has happened in last few days that has possibilities for opening new path for humanity.More than 400 thousand people marched in New York City, to bring to the center stage,the danger posed to the planet by the devastation and destruction by the global capital in pursuit of maximum profits .People from all walks of life experts,scientists,social scientists and simply concerned folks gathered together to bring to the attention the necessity of finding a new path,a new mode of being,that is not destructive of humanity and society.
The present path reminds me of a story in Panchatantra,in which a monkey is sitting on a branch and is cutting it off.The ruling elite,the financial oligarchy and their political representatives whether Obama or Modi are rushing for a race to the bottom towards destruction and devastation of the planet.All this to guarantee super profits to a handful of exploiters.They seem to be worse than the monkeys of Panchatantra.

People’s Climate March in New York
It is said that definition of insanity is that doing the same thing and expecting different results.The ruling elite has shown no willingness to change its course of death and destruction,whether locally or globally.
Take the case of Modi, he is only repeating the Development discourse of the colonial powers that has brought death,devastation and destruction to the people of India and its environment.Nothing good can come out of this insanity only more of the same.This Development discourse was started by Queen Victoria in 1858 and was continued by all the flunkies of colonialism and global capital in one form or other.Nehru talked about “temples of development” and Modi is continuing on the same path with breakneck speed.
Somebody mentioned that there is rejoicing in certain sections in the US about Modi’s visit to the US, of course there is.They are sharpening their swords to plunder and pillage India again and destroy it.
The March in New York City has no meaning for them. Like ostriches,they want to ignore the call of our planet and our times.They have no inclination to mend their ways and change their ways.They are hell bent on destruction. Their arguments are juvenile, as if there is no tomorrow.
People on the other hand are looking for alternatives,the present path is unsustainable, no matter how glittery showmanship is presented at the Madison gardens by Modi and his sponsors.It is pure madness.
Climate March in New York City last Sunday is a harbinger of new thinking and being in stark opposition to the madness that is being organized in Madison Square Gardens in the same city by the forces of devastation and destruction. Nothing good for humanity can come out of it.As the good book says,they have eyes and see not,they have ears and hear not.
But the voices of the climate march will continue to reverberate into coming times to another world and another mode of being, if humanity and our planet is to survive.
(Jaspal Singh is a philosopher based in Cambridge, Massachusetts)