New Delhi : The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Tuesday termed the allegations levelled against its leaders Pankaj Gupta and Ashish Khetan by expelled party leader Prashant Bhushan as “baseless” and said the party would not order any inquiry into them.
“There will not be any inquiry against Pankaj Gupta and Ashish Khetan as the charges are completely baseless and bear no truth,” AAP spokesperson Ashutosh told reporters in the national capital.
Bhushan accused AAP’s general secretary Pankaj Gupta of accepting Rs.2 crore donation from shell companies and Ashish Khetan of writing a planted story in a national magazine defending a telecom company, allegedly involved in the 2G spectrum scam.
“The leaders should have some shame as they have disrespected the Political Affairs Committee (PAC), National Executive and National Council they were a part of. They should not talk about democracy now,” Ashutosh said.