By Md Sharique Anwer,
On December 7, 2015 some extremists attacked Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine office in Paris, France killing at least 12 people for publishing cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
It is being said that the attackers were Muslims but neither attackers have been arrested nor any organization has claimed the shooting. World was stunned to know the attack on journalists which is against the freedom of expression. From all over world people came together on social, media and condemned the cowardice attack on social media in solidarity with slain journalists.
Paris attack (Courtesy: Reuters)
On the same fateful day almost 40 people were killed in Yemeni capital Sa’na in suicide bombing but no one cared about it as if killing them was right. No, we have come to terms that killing in West Asia is so common that no one rants about it, only when in Europe or America people die in terrorist attack, whole world comes to standstill and by default start blaming Muslims- even when no confirmation has come- as if no one else can be terrorist.
Terrorism or violence is neither connected to Islam nor any other religion. It is we, whose minds are filled with filth to a level that no one is ready to tolerate a word against them.
Adam’s son had killed his brother on the issue of marriage. Was that first killing for religion? No. It was to satisfy ego and greediness to get something with power.
Roman ruled almost half of the world for centuries. They killed millions of people during their reign. Was all that bloodshed for religion? No. It was to satisfy self-ego and greediness to rule over people. Alexander, the great, conquered almost the whole world in his lifetime of 30 years. He could have lived in Greece with peace among his people. But he chose to go for war one after another with countries who were never his enemy. Millions of people were killed in the process of conquering the world, his own soldiers had lost desire to fight anymore and wanted to go back home but Alexander was adamant to move forward.
Was all that bloodshed for religion? No. Alexander wanted to be known as world conqueror in the history, his self-ego, greediness to rule over world were the reason for his madness. What did he get after so much bloodshed? He was killed by his own people. Why? Because they wanted the power and territory, which Alexander had won so far! Thus again for power to rule and self-pride.
During the colonial rule, Europeans killed millions of innocent Americans, Asians, Africans, and Indians. People were enslaved. They were treated in manners worst than animals. Who had given Europeans the right to go thousands of miles away and rule on innocents people, enslave them, kill them, loot their properties? Those times were worst phase in the history of earth, white supremacy was imposed on the world as if they were god. Black Africans were enslaved in millions in America. Their lives were of no importance. Americans went to civil war at the same time killing at least one fourth of the population of America.
Why? Was all that for religion? No. It all were to impose white supremacy over innocent people, supremacy over black people, supremacy over those people who were less developed at that time to fight modern forces.
In World War I and World War II, world was on war with each other killing indiscriminately without giving a damn in their mind. Millions of forces were transported from India to fight for Britain in the wars to protect the English kingdom, their pride and supremacy. Indians were killed by Indians on the order of British in India.
Hitler was hell bent to invade whole Europe just to satisfy his ego, to impose the German supremacy and to take revenge of World War I defeat. In those two wars, millions of people were killed to satisfy the arrogance of few European leaders.
Recent wars in West Asia are where Muslims are killing Muslims. These wars are not just for petty religion. This is being fought to claim territory, to rule over the people. If it were just for religion, they would have found certain solutions till now.

Yemeni policemen stand next to wreckage at the scene of a car bombing outside a police academy in Sanaa, Yemen, Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015. (Courtesy: Foxnews)
The attack by Taliban on Peshawar army school, where over 130 children were killed, was not just for religion. The attack was to show Pakistani army that the Taliban will kill their children in retaliation to army operation against Taliban.
Some people blamed all Muslims for Paris attack, some asked Muslims to come on the streets to prove that they are against attackers. Why should we need to come on the streets for the act of certain retarded extremists? Allah has never asked his Prophet to protect them. How can a creature protect the creator from a certain creature?
People started trending #KillAllMuslims on twitter, later I saw #KillAllChristian and then #KillAllJews. This is madness, psychological disorder to kill people out of no issue. If we want to kill all Muslims, Jews and Christian etc., then just nuke the whole earth. Every religion with its mad follower will be killed.
Time is for coming together without fighting over religions. Let religion be a private affair, let journalists draw cartoons of whatever people they want, they will be responsible for their act. If they are doing wrong work, they will be answerable to God, who are we to be judge and kill them? We are no one. My heart goes to the family of all those killed in the attack and my condolences.
Je Suis Charlie. Vive La liberte d’expression.
(Md Sharique Anwer can be followed on twitter at @sasdqi)