“Our education system should provide an opportunity to do open research on religions”

By TCN News,

Dawangera (Karnataka): Expressing concern that because of misunderstandings about religions, there is lot of differences created in the society, Labeed Shafi, SIO of India Karnataka state president, has said, “Our education system should provide an opportunity to do open research on religions.”

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“Currently we have lots of issues in our country, we all should keep our differences aside and should come together to address those issues. Misunderstanding due to and about religions creates differences and there should be an opportunity to do open research on religions,” Shafi said at the one day national symposium at Davangere University on the topic of ‘Religious Harmony and Social Development’.

“Our education system should provide an opportunity to do open research on religions”

Students Islamic Organization (SIO) of India, Karnataka zone with the Department of Social Work (MSW), Davangere University, Davnagere had organised the seminar on March 18, a statement from SIO, Karnataka said.

The function was inaugurated by Anjan Kumar S T, Deputy Commissioner Davangere, who said: youth should be more responsible and should become a force of change. He also stressed that religious harmony is a must for social development.

University Registrar Dr C Somashekar and Pradeep B S, chairman of Social Work Department, Davangere University were also present at the inaugural programme.

Professor Sridhar, Visiting Fellow, National Law School, Bengaluru, delivered a talk on ‘Impact of Religious Harmony on Social Development’. Himself a human right activist, he expressed concern that in our society many people are denied basic human rights based on their community and caste.

Khan Yasir, research scholar from Delhi University, presented a research paper on the topic ‘Conflict Resolution and Role of Individual’, wherein he presented in detail how conflicts arise and what should be collective and individual role in resolving the conflicts.

The two thematic presentations were followed by good interactive sessions with the students, the release said.

“Our education system should provide an opportunity to do open research on religions”

The symposium concluded with valedictory session wherein various religious leaders, including Omkara Shivacharya Swamiji, Lal Hussain Kandagal and Rev Fr Kuriakose were present. It was presided by Professor N K Gowda Dean, Davangere University.

All religious leaders were of the same opinion that all religions preach peace and harmony but it is its followers who misinterpret it. Opinions were collected from participants and they expressed that the programme cleared their misinterpretations about religions and that more such programmes should be conducted, the release added.