By TCN News,
New Delhi: Expressing strong support to defend Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) in regaining its minority status, noted jurist and former Union minister Ram Jethmalani has criticized Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) for its refusal to recognize AMU as minority institution before Supreme Court and said raising voice in AMU favor is a National issue.
He was speaking at a press conference organized by the Aligarh Movement Foundation (AMF) here at his residence on Tuesday where he lashed out at BJP government and said it has gone ‘mentally bankrupt’ by ignoring that Governor General of India had congratulated the Indian Muslims when Mohammaden Anglo Oriental (MAO) was elevated as Aligarh Muslim University .

The said press conference was jointly addressed by Ram Jethmalani , Justice Sachar, Omar Peerzada, a convener of AMF, Prof. Anwar Khursheed, an AMU Teacher , Dr. Mohibul Haque and Supreme Court Advocate Zubair Khan.
Justice Sachar, the Former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court and Ram Jethmalani heavily condemned Mukul Rohatgi, the Attorney General (AG) of India for his interpretation of Court’s finding about AMU Minority restoration case and said he misguided HRD ministry resulting in U-turn of present government on its stand about Minority character of AMU.
Jethmalani said that his commitment to the cause is no more a secret and he has been associated with Aligarh Movement Foundation since 2006. “To raise voice in favor of AMU minority character has become a National issue”, he added.
Justice Sachar said that it is an ‘absurd decision’ of government to roll back its stance and to say AMU is not a
minority University.
“My committee report has suggested more universities be set up for minorities to eradicate educational backwardness of the Muslims in particular, BJP should realize that they are no more in opposition, and they should collectively give practical shape of ‘ Sab ka Saath Sab ka Vikas’ ”, he further said.
The incorporation of MAO into university was only a legal procedural requirement, Omar Peerzada said adding,” Moreover, the Muslim University Association had to collect Rs. Thirty Lakh (30 Lakh) before the College was given status of university. Had Muslims any inkling that even after submitting Rs. 30 Lakh to government for incorporation of MAO into AMU, it could be treated just like another university they would have never surrendered the MAO College which even the court accepts as a minority institution”.
Further he appealed all the right thinking people of the country to consider it as a ‘National Issue’ and come forward to support the request to the government of India to adopt a positive and proactive attitude on the issue of minority character to the Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia Millia Islamia.