By Raqib Hameed Naik,
Srinagar: In the backdrop of reckless use of pellet guns by security forces on protesters in Kashmir leaving hundreds injured and blinding dozens, a retired IAS officer from Kashmir has started a petition “Stop use of Pellet Guns in Kashmir” on
Mohammed Ashraf, former Director General of Tourism, Jammu & Kashmir said the usage of pellet guns was banned all over the world.

“Paramilitary in Kashmir has been indiscriminately using Pellet Guns in Kashmir to control crowds of unarmed civilian demonstrators. These pellet injuries especially in the eyes render people of all ages totally disabled for life. The use of pellet guns for controlling crowds is banned all over the world. It is most essential to order immediate stoppage of these in Kashmir,” the petition, which can be signed here, reads.
The petition is addressed to the Minister for Home Affairs, Prime Minister, President, Chief Justice of India, Vice President of India, Governor and has already gathered 10,336 signatures.
The pellet is a non-spherical projectile made of a malleable material, usually lead or lead alloy, designed to travel at subsonic speeds when fired from gun. Pellet guns used by J&K Police and the CRPF in Kashmir are manufactured by the Indian Ordnance Factory Ammunition Factory, Khadki (Pune).
The pellets shots used in Kashmir are made up of lead-antimony alloy which are proving pestilent thus inflicting multiple organ injuries and subsequent years have seen a surge in cases of people with loss of eye sight due to its use from a very close range.
Pellet Guns: Non-lethal weapon bringing silent deaths to unarmed protestors in Kashmir