Statue of Unity is a symbol of BJP’s hypocrisy, not a call for uniting people

By Arshi Khan for

The problem with the world today is not that there are so many people who do wrong, but there are lot more who are mute spectators against illogical decisions of the government which is more bothering in current scenario.

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I have a lot of respect for the iconic leader Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel whose untiring efforts towards the unity of the country brought success. He got the title of ‘Iron Man’ as he was the prestigious leader of the world who became immortal by uniting a scattered nation without any bloodshed.

Now, what can make all of us perturbed today is that the BJP’s ideology does not go well with their actions.

First question which comes to our mind is why PM Modi wants to embrace and honour Patel who had extreme dislike for the RSS? Patel actually banned RSS in 1948.

And here are some statements made by him which reflects his disliking for RSS.
On Mahatma Gandhi’s murder: “There is no doubt in my mind the extreme section of the Hindu Mahasabha was involved in this conspiracy”.

On the RSS: “The activities of the RSS constituted a clear threat to the existence of the Government and the State.” Patel was the bête noire of the RSS.

That aside, Patel’s views on communal politics are also well known.

We know Modi is a true politician, he doesn’t mind doing anything that gets him to shed of his communal image .

Ideally speaking, he would like to make the RSS an abettor in his fake secular strategy. He would like to become the “statesman”, by keeping his name away from communal politics while letting the RSS continue with its own usual activities. This way Modi is playing two cards at one time–winning both vote banks of the extremes and of the secular ones.

Now secondly, a statue of Unity which is said to be a tribute to the Iron Man of India should ideally be the unique piece of artisanship of Indian skilled workers under the “Make In India” slogan raised by our own PM Modi. But contrary to that, the government of India which has inked trade pacts with China has given its contract to Chinese company like many other (Ambani’s Jio is made in China and so are the coaches of the metro project which are made by Chinese company for the RSS headquarter Nagpur) but still we the people are asked to boycott Chinese firecrackers and lights in Diwali.(Hypocrisy had a last laugh here!!)

Thirdly, I was inquisitive to know as to how wise it is for our country to spend such a huge amount on the Statue of Unity (182 metres) which would be the world’s tallest statue costing around Rs 2,989 crore( US $ 480 million ), when thousands of poor people die due to absence of proper medical instruments and medicines in sub-standard government hospitals.

In our country, mostly if not all the projects undertaken by Govt suffer from substandard quality and poor planning be it Government schools ,government hospitals, transport system.

Recently a new index which was developed to assess each country’s achievement on a range of health indicators ranks India at 143 in a list of 188 countries, six places ahead of Pakistan and way behind countries like Sri Lanka (79), China (92), even war-torn Syria (117) and Iraq (128).

Doesn’t this worry the government?

Besides not to forget there are issues which need more funds and the attention of the government and cannot be ignored further like the One Rank One Pension ( OROP), farmers issue, price rise, staggering condition of economy, intolerance, negligence of govt over rationalism etc It is a matter of grave concern when in a nation’s industrialist, intellectuals ,scientist ,filmmakers, writers, liberals, journalists are protesting against the policies of Government and the PM.

The list is endless to ponder upon to bring and incorporate changes for better life of women, children, youths of our country, all of which require substantial monetary help.

It’s so ironical we have funds for materialistic things to gain name and fame on international stage but hardly for our own people those living in pathetic conditions..which again prove how hypocrite our govt can be!

Is Statue of Unity really going to Unite all Indians under its shadow then I’m definitely for it but the question is “IF”..?

Which Unity are we talking about_

* Unity which has been shattered to the ground by the rise of communal and fringe groups in our society

* Where every now and then the provocative speeches are carried out by the leaders and supporters of the government itself.

* Where the crimes and barbaric killings are done as in Dadri executed in name of religion

*Where innocent people who are from minority group are mercilessly lynched, killed in fake encounters and rich face extortion.

* Where freedom of speech and expression are curtailed

* Where through hooliganism polarised society is created which acts no less than a nuclear bomb.

* Where people are dictated what to wear, what to eat and how to live ?

* Art, music ,literature, ethics , development are all put on back burner & instead intolerance, hatred are instill in the minds of citizens.

* Where an uneducated and unqualified people are given the job of making policies for the nation and its people

* Where criminals enjoy high rankings in the Parliament House with Z+ security
If this is the trend, I can safely say that we are failing to bring Unity in Diversity. I can be absolutely sure that even if noble leaders like Vallabh bhai Patel would have been here he would have never supported whatever is going around in our country today.

If we want to give real tribute to our iconic leader than we should realise Unity arises from providing equal freedom to every individual, care, compassion, love, brotherhood ,gratitude, morals sticking to core values of humanity and tolerance are the qualities needed to be inculcated among citizens.

* Unity arises by providing provisions to downtrodden, by providing security to citizens, by giving justice to victims and maintaining law and order.

* Unity arises by invoking the right chords of democracy for the benefit of the citizens.

Let’s stop all this drama of casting out pseudo image of development and unity by our globe trotting PM in view to gain international foreign investments…stop fooling people any more. We are all unhappy with false claims of Achche Din…!!

World will look up to us only when we can start uniting across diversities, but surprisingly we have forgotten the facts and laws of success!!

We all are with the government undertakes any project to strengthen our relations with fellow Indians because that is really going to unite us. We should learn to work things on facts and not just on the face value. That way our government can be less hypocrite and more pleasing.