Jamia authorities serves notice to a student for ‘maligning’ University’s image on facebook

By Raqib Hameed Naik, TwoCircles.net

New Delhi: Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) has issued a show cause notice to a student over her Facebook post on grounds that it maligns the image of the university by circulating “false” and “derogatory” information.

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The show-cause notice was issued to a student activist Talha Rehman, currently pursuing PhD in Islamic studies regarding an event which was organised on August 24 last month in the front lawns of the central canteen and the protest on the following day in front of the Vice chancellor office.

“You have maligned the image of the university by circulating false and derogatory information through your Facebook post. Your Facebook post has the disturbing potential of inciting students against the Jamia authorities and disturb the peace and tranquillity of the campus,” reads the notice.

The show-cause notice was also issued to four students who were the organisers of the Musical evening.

On the evening of August 24, a student organization called Dayar-i-Shauq Students’ Charter organised a cultural event “Lal Tarana”. The university has alleged that the event was organised without proper permission and accused the organisers of using loud music and distributing classes.

The students, on the other hand, claim that they received proper permission from the authorities and were manhandled, injured and threatened by the Jamia guards accompanying chief Proctor against, which they had called for a protest in front of the Vice Chancellor office.

“The Proctor’s guards snatched and broke their equipment and tried to stop the program. When the students continued to recite their poetry despite this, the guards dragged and kicked the students and pulled the clothes of female students on the orders of the proctor,” wrote Talha in her Facebook post on August 27 last month which she feels enraged the Jamia authorities.

She further wrote, “It was repeated once again on August 25 when the students gave a call to picket VC office. All the gates to the VC office premises were locked. Students could access VC office only after several hours of protest. The students squatted outside e VC office for an entire day and blocked VC’s car when he decided to leave without meeting the students. The students have assaulted once again this time in presence of the entire administration,” she added.

In all the four show cause notice, it has been mentioned that the event was held without taking necessary permission from the authorities, but student organisers say that they had taken permission from Dean Student welfare office.

“You were fully aware that your co organisers had approached the chief proctor on 22nd August, 2017 for organising musical evening which has been denied to them on the ground that use of musical system with high volume speakers will disturb the ongoing classes and the adjoining department however you along with your group went ahead,” reads the show cause notice.

When contacted, Chief Proctor Haroon Sajjad said, “They had only submitted the application in DSW office and it was marked as received. No permission as such was granted.”

But the students, while contradicting the Proctor’s version said, “They always issue the permission that way. The procedure has been that you write an application and go to DSW office and get it signed and go ahead with the event. We don’t know why they are saying that they didn’t permit the event.”

Talha Rehman while speaking to TwoCircles.net said, “Manhandling of female students inside campus by private security guards and physical assault on students has been sidelined by the administration. Instead of taking actions against the Jamia staff involved in the act of vandalising a cultural program and assaulting students, the admin has doubly victimised students by sending show cause.”

On monitoring of Facebook posts, she said, “It is a serious breach of our right to privacy that they (Jamia authorities) are monitoring our social media accounts.”

Chief Proctor Sajjad Haroon things that the posts are public and can be accessed by anyone.

“The Facebook posts are public and everyone can access it. Let them reply and we will see what they have to say in their defense and accordingly a committee will take action,” he told TCN.

The students however claimed that they have submitted their replies and are waiting for the next course of action.