Imran Inamdar,
Kolhapur (Maharashtra)
Dozens of Muslim NGO’s and hundreds of mosques started relief work in flood hit Kolhapur and Sangli Districts as part of humanitarian aid.
People from both the western Maharashtra Districts have suffered a lot as more than 80% of Sangli and Kolhapur city and other Taluka places were affected by the floods and had to live with the water accumulated in thier houses for five to eight days.
The loss of lives and property is just too huge and still not taken stock of.

In these tough times the entire Muslim community of Kolhapur and other parts of the state have stood by the flood hit families, striving to help them at all levels.
According to Sameer Bagwan, a Kolhapur city based activist, food is being cooked from the last four days in all the 350 mosques. He further said that the volunteers have collected nearly 8 lakh rupees after Eid prayers. “Now the rains have ceased and water levels have come down and we are planning to clean the houses of the flood affected families” added Sameer.

Solapur unit of SIO (Students Islamic Organization) raised funds for flood victims by standing Outside Eigah. Jamiyat-E-Ulema hind of the same city appealed to donate clothes, utensils, food etc. It has got quick and positive response and managed to send one truck loaded with food grains to Sangli in a few hours.

“We will send two more trucks in next two days,” informed Moulana Ibrahim.
Vice president Irshad Attar of Kolhapur unit ‘Attar Sanghtna Maharashtra Rajya’, told that “Our volunteers are collecting donations at various places and we are committed to clean the houses of our neighbours to provide them hygienic and healthy atmosphere again.”