India gets FBI evidence linking Pakistan to Mumbai attacks

By Arun Kumar, IANS,

Washington : A team of Mumbai police is headed home armed with crucial evidence provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) indicating that the Nov 26 Mumbai terror attacks were planned in Pakistan.

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A three-member Mumbai police team headed by Deputy Inspector General of Police Deven Bharti left for Membai Wednesday with details of how the Mumbai attackers kept in touch with their Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) masters in Karachi.

The US investigating agency charged with protecting the US against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats provided India details of calls made through the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), a satellite phone as also documents relating to the Global Positioning System used by the terrorists while sailing from Karachi.

The forensic examination of the bullets used by the terrorists in Mumbai was also a part of the evidence collected from FBI by Mumbai Police.

The evidence from FBI is expected to make the case against the terrorists water-tight and nail Islamabad’s claims that the conspiracy behind the Nov 26 attacks was not hatched in Pakistan alone.

India had sought the US help in analysing the evidence under their Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) that came into effect in December 2005.

The Mumbai police team came here last week with Letters Rogatory or Letters of Request issued by a Mumbai court to the US Department of Justice.