Where’s the evidence of Indian hand in Lahore attack, asks Pakistani media


Islamabad : The “flurry of charges” linking India to the attack on the Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahore “make no sense at all”, an editorial in a leading English daily said Thursday, while another cautioned that such finger pointing would only widen the India, Pakistan rift.

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“The flurry of charges from the media and members of the government that our neighbours to the east may have had a hand make no sense at all – given that the gunmen have not been apprehended and no other evidence points in this particular direction,” The News said in an editorial headlined “No closer to the truth”.

On its part, Daily Times referred to the “planting” of a police report that apparently warned that India’s spy agency RAW was planning to target the Sri Lankan cricketers and said it was meant to “widen the rift between India and Pakistan and bring relief to the terrorist elements under pressure from the Pakistan army in the tribal areas”.

The editorial was headlined “Reaching out for denial again”.

Pointing to the need “to put passion aside and accept the reality”, The News said: “There is now no doubt at all that Pakistan is unsafe; no sporting team should be asked to visit it, unless we wish for blood on our hands.”

“The priority must be to assess how order can be restored in our state and the violent forces that operate within it eradicated.

“Turning our attention to this would be a far more useful exercise than pointing fingers towards neighbours or pretending that the Pakistan is not a terrorist haven. The events of March 3 prove that it is and will remain so till we act decisively to restore the rule of law within it,” the editorial maintained.

The News also noted that the government had “done little” to “clear the mist of confusion or calm the deep unease” the audacious attack had created.

“Indeed, the interior adviser’s media talk in Islamabad seemed to add to the suspicions that no one at all with an iota of good sense is in charge of the country,” the editorial added.

The reference was to Interior Minister Rehman Malik’s statement hours after the Lahore attack pointing to a “foreign hand” in the outrage. He, however, did not specifically name any country.

Urging “logic and rationality” in dealing with the aftermath of the incident, the editorial said: “We all know that groups capable of carrying out the well-planned and expertly executed attack we saw Tuesday exist within the country.

“It is useless to turn a blind eye to the presence of forces such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) which have the capacity to stage such acts of terrorism. They of course also have reason to try and extract revenge for the crackdown against the group carried out over the past few weeks, in the aftermath of what happened at Mumbai,” The News added.

Noting there was “no doubt” about the fact that the security provided to the Sri Lankan team was seriously lacking, Daily Times said: “But to unite in dumping the entire incident on India may be proved wrong in the near future and may not be a durable prop on which to lean.

“This is what happened after the Mumbai attacks when Islamabad was compelled to own that Ajmal Kasab was a Pakistani and the incident was partly planned inside Pakistan,” it added.