Berlin : Iran’s nuclear weapons programme could destabilise the Middle East and is a threat not just to Israel but the entire world, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said.
In an interview published Monday in German daily Bild, he said the main goal should be to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Given Iran’s support to terrorism, nuclear weapons could be given to terrorists, Netanyahu said, adding that “this is a very great danger.”
The government of Netanyahu, who took office following Feb 10 elections in Israel, has been stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities a top priority.
Israel wants a strict deadline on any talks with Iran, and if these fail, severe economic sanctions.
Netanyahu said that for Israel, it would be good news if Iran had a regime where dissent was not suppressed, where terrorism was not supported and where the Holocaust was not denied.
There is no conflict between the Israeli and Iranian people, and under another regime, the peaceful relations of the past can return, he said.
Talking about the disputed Iranian presidential election, the Israeli premier said: “If the people could freely choose, then I have no doubt that they would want a different government. What we see in Iran is a powerful desire for freedom on the part of the Iranian people.”