Ludhiana: Three teen-aged friends in this Punjab town attempted Aamir Khan’s “Ghulam” stunt of out-racing an incoming train to reach a spot in their real life. But they failed and lost the bet, and lost their lives too.
Police said the boys – in the age group of 15 to 16 – had struck a bet to run on the track towards the fast moving incoming train. However, they were run over by the train before they could jump off the tracks in Ludhiana, around 100 km from Chandigarh.
“Kala and Lalu died on the spot while Anees succumbed to his injuries in a hospital. He told police that they had struck a bet to see who could run for the longest duration in front of a running train,” said a railway police official.
“They were in the age group of 15 to 16 years and we are suspecting that the three were running on the railway track under the influence of liquor, due to which they could not react in time.”
The “Ghulam” train sequence that shows Aamir Khan running on the tracks towards an incoming train had won the Bollywood actor the Best Stunt award. Aamir Khan had himself performed the stunt of the famous ‘dus ki daud’ sequence.