Interpol alert for 13 Mumbai attack suspects wanted by Pakistan


Lyon (France) : Interpol’s National Central Bureau (NCB) in Islamabad has issued a global alert for 13 suspects wanted by Pakistan police in connection with the Mumbai terror attacks of November 2008, the global police agency said Thursday.

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The alert asks Interpol member-countries to assist in locating the fugitives and immediately notify NCB Islamabad and Interpol headquarters in Lyon with any investigative leads.

If the fugitives are located, Pakistani authorities will then formally request provisional arrest with a view towards extradition, in accordance with any applicable extradition treaty, Interpol said.

Sent via the agency’s I-24/7 secure police communications network to all member-countries, the alert – called a diffusion – contains the fugitives’ names and other nominal data.

Registered by the agency’s Command and Coordination Centre database of wanted persons, the diffusion will ensure that all Interpol member-countries will be alerted to the wanted status of the 13 individuals and that their movements are recorded, the agency said.

In a statement, Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble praised Pakistan’s co-operation with the international police community.

He said the investigation into the Mumbai terror attacks highlighted the vital role played by the world police body’s “international tools” that circulate information worldwide to ensure the location and eventual arrest of suspected terrorists.

“Unless terrorist-related information is registered on Interpol’s global databases and shared among its global network, no international terrorist investigation can ever be considered complete and all countries which do not have this vital information are at risk,” Noble said.

“The authorities in Pakistan are to be commended for making full use of Interpol’s global network and tools. This demonstrates their commitment to allowing all of Interpol’s 187 member-countries to benefit from and help with the investigation into the Mumbai terrorist attacks.”

“Pakistan’s actions in this case will help set new international standards for terrorism investigations, especially those involving non-nationals,” added Noble, who visited India and Pakistan immediately after the 26/11 attacks.