By staff reporter
New Delhi : In a move seemingly aimed at ensuring Muslim vote bank, Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee has called upon United Progressive Alliance chairperson and Congress president Sonia Gandhi to devise time-bound programme for providing job opportunities for Muslims in private and corporate as well as government sector organisations and institutions.
A delegation of Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee led by its secretary and vice president Urdu Akademy Andhra Pradesh SK Afzaluddin submitted a memorandum to Sonia Gandhi here Wednesday, urging her to take concrete and immediate steps to implement the recommendations of Justice Sachar Committee in this regard.
Mrs Gandhi’s political advisor Ahmed Patel received the memorandum, which says that mere promises and assurances cannot satisfy Muslims now.
The delegation appealed to the Congress high command to give 15% tickets to Muslim candidates of Parliamentary, Assembly and Corporation elections.
It demanded to fill all vacant positions in corporations, boards, commissions and authorities not only in Andhra Pradesh but at all India level.
The memorandum also demanded special packages for Muslims with regard to distribution of lands, providing bank loans and other such facilities.
The delegation members impressed upon the Congress high command to make concerted efforts to stop uncalled for detention and unnecessary harassment of Muslims in the State, and to take action against those who are bent upon creating untoward situation and thus bringing bad name to the State as well as the government with their mental reservations and communal attitude.