New Delhi : Shia Muslims Monday took out mourning processions here to remember the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, grandson of Prophet Mohammed, and his family members some 1,400 years back in Karbala city of Iraq.
The processions, “Masoom ka tazia”, are taken out nearly two months after Ashura — the 10th day of Muharram, the first month of Islamic calendar when Hussain and his family members were martyred in Karbala. Muslims also observe mourning and hold processions on Ashura.
Men and women, dressed in black, mourned Hussain’s martyrdom, beating their chests and crying. They also held black flags and banners with praises to Hussain written on them.
The processions, which began early Monday, will reach Jorbagh in south Delhi, housing a replica of Hussain’s shrine in Karbala. The shrine in Jorbagh is also called Karbala.
Since the route of the procession was through key areas in central Delhi like Ajmeri Gate, Connuaght Place, Parliament Street, Tughlak Road and Jorbagh, the Delhi traffic police issued an advisory to avoid these places during the day.