New Delhi : The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Wednesday said it would continue to disrupt question hour in the Lok Sabha till the opposition’s demand for an adjournment motion on price rise was admitted.
“We only want discussion under adjournment motion on the burning issue of price rise. It is a question of life and death for the common man,” Gopinath Munde, the deputy leader of the party in Lok Sabha, said here.
Speaker Meira Kumar rejected the demand. The opposition, however, continued its protests when the house reassembled after the lunch break at 3 p.m., prompting her to adjourn the proceedings for the day.
“This will continue till our demand is admitted,” Munde told reporters.
The Congress has said the government is ready to discuss all issues and requested the opposition to obey the speaker’s ruling that the discussion would be held under Rule 193, under which voting is not required.
“We are ready to discuss all issues on the basis of rules. The speaker has ruled that the matter would be discussed under Rule 193. The opposition should obey her ruling,” party spokesman Shakeel Ahmed said.