Women more satisfied working in public sector than BPOs


New Delhi : Women working in public sector undertakings (PSUs) are more satisfied than those working in private outsourcing companies, says a study by the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham).

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“Majority of working women gave priority to PSU sectors because the sector provided them job satisfaction, including reasonably good annual income, with job security and convenient working hours besides a healthy work environment,” the study, Empowering the Women, said.

Releasing the findings of the study, Assocham president Swati Piramal said women engaged in business process outsourcing (BPO) and KPO (knowledge process outsourcing) sectors are least satisfied with their jobs.

“It is found that women employed in this particular sector feel lack of personal growth and development since they perceive less room in the decision-making process and less flexibility in working hours, besides pressures to perform and deliver targets,” she said in a statement.

The study was done on women working in areas like banking, finance, power, petroleum and consultancy. It is based on a sample size of 773 working women across 11 states, mostly in metros.

It said women working in agro-based industries, hospitality, information technology, media and entertainment, and merchandise face critical problems.

Also, the level of trust among employers was more for men than women employees. “This is since women executives are found to be weaker at multi-tasking and largely intent to quit,” the study said.