New Delhi : The national human rights watchdog has asked the Railway Board to compensate a 12-year-old boy who was thrown off a train by a ticket examiner, leading to the loss of his right hand and leg.
An official of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Tuesday said the commission has asked the Board to pay Rs.500,000 to Samar Singh for the incident that rendered him disabled for life.
The incident took place July 2, 2008. Singh worked as a sweeper in the train. A case against the ticket examiner, Navneet Mishra, was registered and he was arrested two days later.
“Keeping in view the facts and circumstances of the matter, the commission found it a case of gross violation of human rights of the victim and issued notice to the Railway Board,” the NHRC official said.
“Having received no response from the Railway Board despite reminders, the commission presumed that the Railway Board has nothing to say against the notice. Therefore, in its recommendatory order last Friday, NHRC asked the Board to pay monetary relief to the victim and also provide artificial limbs to him since the incident left him disabled for life,” the official added.
The commission has asked the secretary of the Railway Board to send a compliance report and proof of payment within six weeks.