Career Circle

Continuing with its commitment to Inform, Inspire and Empower the community, TCN proudly announces the start of new section
“Career Circle”
In this section we will respond to questions relating to career.
Mohammad Aamir Ansari, who is a professional career counselor will answering all the relevant questions. Mohammad Amir Ansari has counseled more than 500 students and parents. He has been conducting regular workshops for students on career guidance, memory techniques, time management and Exam skills. So far he has conducted more than 200 such workshops.
He is also involved in conducting different Orientation Program for Parents and Teachers all over Maharashtra.
For past 6 years, he has been writing regular column on every Thursday on Career Guidance in Roznama Inqilab and writing columns for Urdu Lok, Rajya, Kokan ki Awaz.
Kindly submit your questions as comment. We will endeavor to answer as soon as possible.
We would request to go through the old questions before submitting new ones to avoid duplication.
Career is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as an individual’s “course or progress through life”. It is usually considered to pertain to remunerative work (and sometimes also formal education).
