Land scam, illegal mining rock Karnataka assembly


Bangalore : The Karnataka assembly was Monday rocked by charges of land scam against Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa and allegations of illegal mining by cabinet ministers Reddy brothers.

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The house did not conduct any legislative business for the day amid a wrangle between members of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the opposition Congress and Janata Dal-Secular over the format to debate corruption and nepotism charges against the government, the BJP’s first in the state and in south India.

The opposition members trooped into the well of the house to protest Speaker K.G. Bopaiah’s rejection of their demand for an adjournment motion to discuss the issue.

As soon as the house met for its first session of the New Year, the Congress and JD-S members demanded that the speaker allow their adjournment motion.

Law Minister S. Suresh Kumar argued that the motion cannot be allowed under the rules and the opposition can raise this issue during discussion on the motion of thanks to the governor for his Jan 6 address to the joint sitting of the assembly and legislative council.

The speaker accepted the government’s contention which was vehemently opposed by the Congress and JD-S members. The ruckus forced him to adjourn the house for a few hours.

As the opposition members did not relent in their demand after the house reassembled, the speaker adjourned the house till Tuesday.

At one point during the wrangle, an angry Yeddyurappa said the opposition intention “is to disrupt the proceedings to prevent people from knowing the good work of my government”.

Yeddyurappa, who assumed power in May 2008, is caught in a major row over favouring his close kin with prime land in and around Bangalore.

Though he denied that he acted illegally, Yeddyurappa made his kin surrender the land as demand for his resignation mounted.

Ahead of the 10-day session that began Jan 6 with Governor H.R. Bhardwaj’s address, the JD-S had announced it would not allow the assembly to function till Yeddyurappa quits.

The Congress has not formally announced that it would join the JD-S in stalling the proceedings but said it will intensify its agitation in the house till Yeddyurappa quits.