Apex court slams Amar Singh for wasting time in wiretap case


New Delhi : The Supreme Court Wednesday slammed Rajya Sabha member and estranged Samajwadi party leader Amar Singh for wasting its time by going back on the allegation that the Congress party was instrumental in getting his telephone tapped in 2005.

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“Is it appropriate for this court to spend time on a petition based on fabricated documents?” the apex court bench of Justice G.S. Singhvi and Justice A.K. Ganguly said.

“The court is a victim of your affidavit. This matter is engaging the attention of this court. How many hours have been spent of the court’s on your averments. Now a major chunk of your averment are being withdrawn. Judges here are overworked. But look at the way it was treated.”

The apex court observation came in the wake of an affidavit filed by Singh wherein he withdrew his earlier allegation that in 2005 his telephones were intercepted by the government at the instance of the Congress party.

It may be recalled that in the course of investigations into the phone tapping, it was found that an employee of a telecom service provider was involved in an unlawful tapping of Singh’s phone based on two alleged letters issued by the Delhi Police and Delhi government authorizing the tapping.

Singh had moved Supreme Court in 2006 seeking to restrain the media from publishing his tapped telephonic conversation.