India proposes pro-active role in UN-flagged anti-piracy efforts


New Delhi : India has proposed a pro-active role for its navy in a UN-flagged effort to tackle the threat to maritime traffic from piracy.

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“India is in favour of strengthening multilateral cooperation under a UN framework to meet the complex challenges of maritime security,” the defence ministry said in its annual report for 2010-11 tabled in parliament.

Describing the increased incidence of piracy in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) as “an issue of serious concern,” the report said “the threat of piracy and terrorism to international trade and safety of the sea lanes of communication had emerged as a major problem.”

The report said “the threat of piracy emerging from Somalian waters continued to endanger the safety of the sea lanes and was a matter of concern for the international community”

“The spread of piracy to areas close to our western seaboard has made this a cause of great concern. The presence of Somali pirates in the waters around our western island territories has been an unwelcome development which requires heightened vigil. The linkages between terrorists based in Somalia and transnational organised crime is also a cause of major concern globally,” it added.

Terming the IOR as “central” to the country’s maritime interests and concerns, the report said New Delhi was engaged in enhancing cooperative interaction and exchanges with various countries in the region to tackle common security challenges.

“The Indian Navy has been actively involved in combating maritime piracy in the region on its own and in coordination with the Navies and coalition forces of various countries in the Gulf of Aden,” it said.

“India’s economic development is crucially dependent on the sea because of the criticality of sea-borne trade in an increasingly inter-linked world, as well as because of the potential of vast economic resources of the oceans. India’s maritime interests involve the safeguarding of our coastline and island territories, as also our interests in our EEZ, as well as in maintaining open and secure sea lanes of communication,” it added.

Dwelling on the security scenario in the immediate neighbourhood, the report said Inddia’s relations with China are of “crucial importance.”

“India is conscious and watchful of the implications of China’s evolving military profile in the immediate and extended neighbourhood. India’s policy is to engage with China on the principles of mutual trust and respect and sensitivity for each other’s concerns,” it said.

Taking note of the recent political developments in the Middle East and North Africa, the report said: “The impact of these developments on the security situation in the region and on the security of energy supplies is of global concern.”

Underscoring India’s vibrant ties with all the countries in the region, the report said that New Delhi would continue to engage with them on the basis of mutuality of respect and interests.

“India has also been actively involved in peacekeeping operations in Africa under the UN mandate and seeks to consolidate its relations with many countries in the region with which we have historical linkages,” it said.