UN special envoy meets Myanmar ministers in new capital

By Xinhua

Yangon : Visiting United Nations Special Envoy Ibrahim Gambari met Myanmar Foreign Minister U Nyan Win and Labour Minister U Aung Kyi in the new capital of Nay Pyi Taw Sunday, according to official sources.

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U Aung Kyi, who is also liaison minister, was recently tasked by the government to get in touch with Aung San Suu Kyi, detained leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD).

The sources did not disclose details about the meetings.

U Aung Kyi and Aung San Suu Kyi met for the first time Oct 25.

Gambari, who is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon’s Special Adviser on Myanmar, also met representatives of the government-backed Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Myanmar Red Cross Society.

Earlier next week, Gambari is expected to meet Prime Minister Lt. General Thein Sein, Aung San Suu Kyi, leaders of political parties, representatives of national races and State Vulnerable Monks Committee as well as officials of resident UN organisations and foreign diplomats.

Aiming to promote dialogue and national reconciliation in the country, Gambari, arrived in Yangon Saturday afternoon for a second visit to the country at the invitation of the Myanmar government, carrying a specific message from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC).

Gambari’s task is to address with the Myanmar authorities a wide range of issues about cooperation and dialogue between the UN system and Myanmar, according to the UN Information Center in Yangon.

Gambari’s visit to Myanmar this time follows his tour of six Asian nations, during which he had consultations with regional partners of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, China and Japan about the situation in Myanmar.

During Gambari’s first mission to Myanmar, Than Shwe offered through Gambari to meet and talk personally and conditionally to Aung San Suu Kyi.