Mumbai : RPP Infra Projects Ltd Tuesday said it has bagged orders worth over Rs.340 million from the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) and the Andaman public works department.
The company has won order worth Rs.163 million from IGCAR for the construction of roads, storm water drainage and other miscellaneous works in Kalpakkam Phase II unit, the company said in a regulatory filing.
IGCAR at Kalpakkam is under the government of India’s department of atomic energy.
The company has “won another contract from Andaman public works department worth Rs.180 million crore to carry out the sea wall protection work at Mus, Car Nicobar, in the Andaman and Nicobar islands”, it added.
While the Kalpakkam contract has to be completed within 10 months, the period of contract from the Andamans is 16 months.
At the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the shares of the company were 3.76 percent up to trade at Rs.64.85.