US senators confident of ‘true partnership’ with India


Washington : Expressing confidence in the future of India-US relations, key members of the US Senate have highlighted the “true partnership” and the expanding cooperation between the “world’s oldest and largest democracies”.

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At an event at the Capitol Hill Tuesday to formally welcome India’s new Ambassador Nirupama Rao, the Republican and Democrat co-chairs of the Senate India Caucus, John Cornyn and Mark Warner, also spoke of the former Indian foreign secretary’s contribution in promoting India-US relations.

Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry noted his admiration for India’s critical role in the conduct of global affairs, its vibrant democracy, and global leadership. He described India as an important partner of the US.

Noting the important contributions made by the Senate India Caucus, Rao said the bipartisan support for India-US relations in the US Congress was a source of strength for the India-US strategic partnership that now spans almost all dimensions of human endeavour.

The event was attended by a number of US Senators, senior members of the Administration, a large segment of the Indian American community as well as the think tank community and academia.

The largest caucus of its kind in the Senate, the 40-member bipartisan Senate India Caucus was founded in 2004 by the then Senator from New York, and now Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and Senator John Cornyn.

At the time of its formation, it was the only country-specific Caucus in the Senate.

(Arun Kumar can be contacted at [email protected])