Thane (Maharashtra) : The Gujarat police looked deeper into trouble Wednesday after family members of a Mumbra-based victim of an allegedly staged shootout demanded a probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) or any other competent agency into her death in 2005.
Deputy Inspector General D.G. Vanzara, who has been arrested along with three other police officers in connection with another staged killing in 2005, was an additional commissioner of police with the Ahmedabad Crime Branch, when 19-year-old Ishrat Jehan Raza and three others were killed June 15, 2005 on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. It was Vanzara’s team that had carried out the shooting.
Ishrat hailed from the Mumbra township in Thane district, 40 kms from Mumbai.
According to Gujarat police, the four were planning to target Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
Ishrat’s sister Nusrat Wednesday demanded high-level investigations into the case by the CBI or any other agency.
Nusrat said: “We have suffered a lot in the past three years. We want justice and we want the case should be reopened. My sister was innocent.”
Nusrat, who stays with her mother in Mumbra, is also planning to petition the Maharashtra government with a request for investigations into the death of Ishrat.
The four people who were killed in that encounter were Ishrat, her friend Javed, Zeeshan Joha and Amjadali Akbarali Rana, all labelled activists of Lashkar-e-Toiba terror outfit.
Vanzara, another Gujarat police officer Rajkumar Pandiyan and M.N. Dinesh of Rajasthan police were arrested last week in Ahmedabad for killing Sohrabuddin Sheikh in a staged shootout in November, 2005 while branding him a terrorist.