New Delhi : Girls have again outshone boys in the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class 12 examinations, the results of which were declared Thursday.
The girls have recorded a pass percentage of 88.52 percent, while boys have a pass percentage of 78.27 percent.
“The difference between the pass percentage of girls and boys is 10.25 percent, with the girls doing much better,” CBSE public relations officer Rama Sharma told IANS.
Expressing happiness at girls performing better than their male counterparts, Kiran Mehta, principal of Salwan Public School, Mayur Vihar in Delhi, told IANS: “This reflects women empowerment. I feel extremely proud seeing girls outshining the boys.”
A total of 1.02 million students registered for the Class 12 examinations this year.
“This amounts to an increase of about 8.91 percent candidates over that of last year,” the CBSE said in a statement.
The overall pass percentage for 2014 – 82.66 percent – recorded a marginal increase of 0.5 percent over last year’s 82.10 percent.
In the national capital, boys recorded a pass percentage of 82.09 percent, while the girls recorded a pass percentage of 91.72 percent.
“Delhi’s pass percentage is 86.78 percent,” Sharma added.
The highest pass percentage, 94.26 percent, was from Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala, followed by Chennai in Tamil Nadu at 91.63 percent.
Of the 294,120 registered students in the national capital, 290,463 appeared for the examination and 252,074 passed.
In Thiruvananthapuram, boys recorded a pass percentage of 91.96 percent, while the girls had a pass percentage of 96.72 percent.
Dehradun at 72.77 percent had the lowest pass percentage; the boys recorded a pass percentage of 67.43 percent, while the girls’ pass percentage was 81.93 percent.
A total of 85.59 percent of government school students cleared the exams, with 88.78 percent of the students of government schools clearing the exams in Delhi.
The national capital registered the maximum number of cases of using unfair means at 13. It was followed by Patna with seven cases, Bhubaneswar (six), Dehradun (five), Panchkula (five), Guwahati (three) and Chennai and Allahabad with one case each.
The CBSE Thursday announced the results for Delhi and Dehradun regions, and six other regions a day earlier.
Students can access the results on,, and also through SMS and an Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS).
The CBSE is the national board of education for public and private schools and conducts final examinations for Class 10 and 12.